A Fault-Tolerant Architecture for Parlay Application Server

来源 :The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:carlos_yu
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As the value-added service providing system in the Next-Generation Networks (NGN), Application Servers (AS) are required to provide the carrier-class reliability. To increase the reliability of AS, the fault-tolerant technology is often adopted. This paper proposes a fault-tolerant architecture for AS against single-point faults. The result of analysis shows that the architecture has a good reliability and is easily extendable. Such an advantage is attributed to a kind of special fault-tolerant design, which is different from others in that two Service Logic Program (SLP) instances do not only provide backups to each other, but also share them in the service traffic. As the value-added service providing system in the Next-Generation Networks (NGN), Application Servers (AS) are required to provide the carrier-class reliability. To increase the reliability of AS, the fault-tolerant technology is often adopted. paper proposes a fault-tolerant architecture for AS against single-point faults. The result of analysis shows that the architecture has a good reliability and is easily extendable. Such an advantage is attributed to a kind of special fault-tolerant design, which is different from others in that two Service Logic Program (SLP) instances do not only provide backups to each other but also also them in the service traffic.
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