实现社会和谐 共享世界和平

来源 :中国宗教 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:colinzeng76
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新年伊始,万象更新。党和政府沉着面对国际国内形势的新发展新变化,带领全国各族人民认真贯彻科学发展观,加快构建和谐社会,经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设不断迈上新台阶,走过了春华秋实的一年。成绩鼓舞人心,前景催人奋进。我国宗教界和全国人民一道,在参与构建社会 New year new life. Faced with the new developments and new changes in the international and domestic situation, the party and government calmly lead the people of all nationalities across the country to conscientiously implement the scientific concept of development and accelerate the building of a harmonious society. Economic, political, cultural and social construction have been continuously promoted to a new level. Chunhua Qiushi year. The results are inspiring and the prospects are inspiring. Our religious community and people across the country are participating in building a society
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On April 24,2007 the State Council promulgated Regu- lations of the People’s Repub- lic of China on Open Gov- ernment Information(refer- red to as Regulations
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