
来源 :中国学校体育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huaiwanshi163
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研讨背景:“微课”是指以视频为主要载体,记录教师在课堂内外教育教学过程中围绕某个知识点或教学环节而开展的教与学活动的全过程。在网络日趋发达的时代,随着信息与通讯技术的快速发展,基于微课的移动学习、按需选择学习、在线学习将会越来越普及。微课必将成为一种新型的教与学的途径。而体育学科作为学校教育教学的重要组成部分,如何在体育课堂教学设计中,了解微课制作的特点与规律,设计好一节高质量体育教学微课势必成为当下一线体育教育教学工作者们研究的热点话题。 Research Background: “Micro Class ” refers to the video as the main carrier, recording the entire process of teaching and learning activities carried out by teachers around a certain point of knowledge or teaching in and out of the classroom education. With the rapid development of information and communication technology, mobile learning based on micro-class and on-demand learning on the Internet have become more and more popular in the era of increasingly developed networks. Micro-class will surely become a new way of teaching and learning. As an important part of school education and teaching, how to understand the characteristics and rules of the production of PE class in PE classroom design and how to design a good micro-PE course of PE is bound to become the current PE teaching and learning workers. Hot topic.
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