二十年 巨变

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时光飞逝,二十年弹指一挥间。历史这样记载:公元一九七八年,中国的命运经历了伟大的转折。这一年,一场实践是检验真理的唯一标准的大讨论席卷神州大地,解放思想,实事求是的春雷响彻九霄!这一年,中共十一届三中全会在北京胜利召开,中国当代历史在这里实现了伟大的转折,中国共产党和社会主义发展史上矗立起了具有划时代意义的里程碑!从此,社会主义中国告别了沿袭多年的以阶级斗争为纲的指导方针,实现了全党工作重心的历史性转移。从此,社会主义中国在改革开放中大步向前,其辉煌成就举世瞩目。从此,社会主义中国进入了以邓小平理论为指导的当代马克思主义的新阶段。二十年来,地处祖国大西北的甘肃和全国一样,在省委、省政府的正确领导下,改革开放和社会主义现代化建设事业成就巨大,贫穷和富裕、落后与繁荣已经和正在进行着历史性的置换。业未央,路正长。为隆重纪念党的十一届三中全会暨真理标准讨论二十周年,为着不能忘却的纪念,为着回顾历史的经验,更为着面向未来的使命,本刊特隆重推出:《纪念十一届三中全会暨真理标准讨论二十周年》特别专栏。专栏分三个部分:第一部分,历史回眸;第二部分,成就展示;第三部分,前景展望。 Time flies, twenty years fingertips. History records this: In 1978, the fate of China experienced a great turning point. This year, a practice was the sole criterion for testing truth. The spring thunder that swept across the earth, emancipating the mind and seeking truth from facts resounded through the sky. This year, the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of CCP held a victory in Beijing. The current history of China is at Since then, the great turning point has been achieved here. The history of the CPC and the development of socialism marks a landmark. Since then, socialist China has bid farewell to the guiding principle of following the course of class struggle for many years and has achieved the historical focus of the whole party’s work Sexual transfer. Since then, socialist China has made great strides in reform and opening up and its brilliant achievements have attracted worldwide attention. Since then, socialist China has entered a new phase of contemporary Marxism guided by Deng Xiaoping Theory. For the past two decades, Gansu, located in the northwestern part of the motherland, like the entire country, under the correct leadership of the provincial party committee and government, has made great achievements in the cause of reform and opening up and the cause of socialist modernization. Poverty and affluence, backwardness and prosperity have been and are under way. Sexual replacement. Industry Weiyang, the road is long. To solemnly commemorate the twentieth anniversary of the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee and the criteria of truth, in order to commemorate the memorable event, to review the historical experience and to make the future more important, Special Session on the Twentieth Anniversary of the Third Plenary Session of the Central Government and the Discussion on the Standard of Truth. The column is divided into three parts: the first part, a historical review; the second part, the achievement display; the third part, the prospect of the future.
报道采自广西桂林花坪自然保护区的一个虫草标本,经鉴定为鲜红虫草Cordyceps cardinalis,属中国首次报道。通过子囊孢子分离得到其无性型棒束孢Isaria,并进行特征描述。同时
Pre-existing models for thermal history modelling have shown deficiency in explicit algorithms to establish the quantitative relationship between maturity indic