第二届克拉玛依科技突出贡献奖获得者之五 卫扬安:情注地质录井

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作为新疆石油管理局地质录井公司副经理,卫扬安实在太忙。两次约见如愿以偿地采访了他。他走过的艰辛和收获的丰硕成果:23余载潜心研究地质录井曾获省部级、地市级各种科技进步和技术创新奖励12项,2000年、2003年度被评为新疆石油管理局学科技术带头人。先后组织完成了总公司、石油局科技项目10余项,荣获总公司级、自治区级、市局级科技成果10余项。23年前,从大别山区走出的卫扬安,从华东石油学院毕业后,毅然来到西北边陲的新疆,来到了西北石油城,扎进了荒漠戈壁。23年来,卫扬安先后参加了《综 As deputy manager of the Xinjiang Petroleum Administration geological logging company, Wei Yangan is too busy. I met him on two occasions. He passed the hardships and the harvest of fruitful results: more than 23 years devoted himself to study geological logging has won the provincial and ministerial level, municipal and technological progress in various technological innovation and reward 12, 2000, 2003 was named the Xinjiang Petroleum Administration Bureau of academic technology leader. It has successively organized more than 10 science and technology projects of the head office and the petroleum bureau and won more than 10 scientific and technological achievements at the headquarters level, autonomous region level and municipal bureau level. 23 years ago, Wei Yangan, who stepped out from the Dabie Mountains, came to Xinjiang in the northwestern border after graduating from East China Petroleum Institute and came to the petroleum city in the northwest and plunged into the desert Gobi. For 23 years, Wei Yang An attended the "comprehensive
栉孔扇贝(Chlamys farreri)是我国北方最重要的海水经济养殖贝类之一,在海水养殖产业中占有极其重要的地位.本文构建了第一个栉孔扇贝的fosmid基因组文库,该文库包含133,851
  Carboxymethyl-chitosan and carboxymcthyl-chitin were prepared by our labs method.The DS and DD of the carboxymethyl-chitosan was 103.14% and 97.18%,while th
  阐述21 世纪图书馆员的职能,继而论述了图书馆员继续教育的必要性和建议。
79岁的曹子丹,是我国著名的刑法学家。这位来自湖南省永兴县的法学家,为我国的刑法研究工作做出了突出贡献。 79-year-old Cao Dan, is a famous criminal law scientist in