
来源 :江苏教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:join20102010
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这里介绍的一个中队活动虽然是在一九五二年十一月里举行的,但它的教育内容仍有现实意义。过去,由于我们在对儿童进行热爱祖国的思想教育的基础上,进行热爱自己的家乡和学校、热爱劳动生产的教育不够,因此有些儿童觉得‘祖国可爱,农村不可爱’,或者打算大了做飞机师、工程师(这是完全应该的),但是就不大愿意在小学毕业后帮助父母从事农业劳动,所以今年暑期有很多小学生,由于不能升入中学,又不愿意参加劳动生产,而产生消极悲观的情绪。甚至有些教师和家长常常向儿童们灌输极不正确的观点,说什么‘再不好好念书,长大了没出息,只好在田里拿一辈子锄头’,这是封建统治阶级用以达到奴役人民的‘万般皆下品,唯有读书高’的谬论的遗毒,它通过在成人中的残存的影响,转而毒害我们纯洁幼稚的孩子们,这是今人痛心的事情。因此,我们希望每一位教师,必须正确地向儿童们进行热爱祖国、热爱自己家乡和学校、热爱劳动生产的教育。但必须注意,一定要在热爱伟大祖国的思想基础上,来树立热爱家乡、热爱学校、热爱劳动生产的观点,以免儿童们滋长片面的乡土观念。 Although one of the squadron activities introduced here was held in November 1952, its educational content is still of practical significance. In the past, because we did not have enough education to love our hometown and school and love labor, we thought that ’motherland is lovely, rural areas are not lovely’ or we intend to do big things because we are educating children on our motherland’s ideological education Pilots and engineers (which is totally deserved), but they are reluctant to help their parents to engage in agricultural work after they graduate from elementary school. Therefore, many primary school students this summer have no choice but to join secondary schools because they can not go to secondary schools and are not willing to participate in labor. Pessimistic mood. Some teachers and parents even often inculcate very incorrect views on children. They say that ’if you do not study well and you grow up, you have to get a hoe in your fields for a lifetime,’ this is what the feudal ruling class wants to achieve the enslavement of the people. It is heartbreaking for people in this country to poison our innocent and naive children through the remnants of an underappreciated schoolboy who reads only high school. Therefore, we hope that every teacher must correctly educate children in love with their motherland, love their hometown and their school, and love labor. However, we must note that we must establish a love of hometown, a love of school and a love of labor and production based on the idea of ​​loving the great motherland in order to prevent children from developing one-sided local ideas.
一、教材内容分析本学期教材共三十篇,根据讲授目次,分析其思想内容,加以归纳,约可分为下面八个单元: 第一单元为一——六课。主要内容是说明新中国的伟大可爱,毛主席对人民