纪念陈云同志九十诞辰 做好古籍整理研究工作

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在陈云同志诞辰九十周年之际,新版《陈云文选》一至三卷及《陈云画册》在全国出版发行了。中共中央为此举行了座谈会,江泽民同志在会上作了重要讲话,代表中央,肯定了陈云同志“为中国人民解放和社会主义建设事业奋斗七十多年,功勋卓著,永载史册”。并指出,“《陈云文选》三卷本,集中了他的思想和观点,是他长期从事领导工作丰富经验的理论概括,对于我们推进社会主义物质文明和精神文明建设,加强党的建设,都具有重要指导意义。”江泽民同志的讲话,对于陈云同志的光辉业绩和重要著作作了准确的评价。每当学习陈云同志的这部重要著作,我都由衷地尊敬这位伟大的无产阶级革命家、政治家,杰出的马克思主义者。现在就我所从事的工作,对陈云同志关于要十分重视社会主义精神文明建设的有关教导,关于做好古籍整理工作、继承祖国文化遗产的有关指示,谈谈我的粗浅体会,以缅怀陈云同志弘扬中国优秀传统文化,加强社会主义精神文明建设的杰出贡献。 1981年,我还在原教育部工作,北京大学中文系古典文献专业全体教师推举安 On the occasion of the 90th anniversary of Comrade Chen Yun’s birth, the new edition of “Chen Yun Wen Xuan” Volume 1-3 and the “Chen Yun Album” were published in the whole country. The CPC Central Committee held a symposium for this purpose. Comrade Jiang Zemin made an important speech at the meeting and represented the Central Committee. He affirmed Comrade Chen Yun’s struggle of “carrying forward the cause of liberation and building socialism for more than 70 years and meritorious service in the annals of history.” He also pointed out: “The” Three Volumes of Chen Yun’s Wen Xuan “concentrates his thoughts and opinions. This is a theoretical summary of his long experience of working in leading bodies. Both of them are very important for us to push forward the building of a socialist material civilization and spiritual civilization and to strengthen party building Has an important guiding significance. ”Comrade Jiang Zemin’s speech made an accurate assessment of Comrade Chen Yun’s brilliant achievements and important works. Whenever I study this important book of Comrade Chen Yun, I sincerely respect this great proletarian revolutionary, statesman and prominent Marxist. Now, with my work, I will talk about Comrade Chen Yun’s relevant teachings on how to attach great importance to the construction of socialist spiritual civilization, the instructions on doing well in the collation of ancient books and inheriting the cultural heritage of the motherland, and talk about my superficial experience and my memory of Comrade Chen Yun Carry forward the outstanding Chinese traditional culture and strengthen the socialist spiritual civilization construction. In 1981, I was still in the former Ministry of Education, Peking University Department of Chinese classical literature recommended all teachers
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