发挥教育优势 加速科技转化

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去年,是湖北省教委确定的全省教育战线“实用科技转化年”,我市各级教育行政部门和各级各类学校共推广实用科技成果22项,推广面积6万亩,实现经济效益近1.2亿元,为促进全市农村经济的发展作出了贡献。我们的主要做法和体会是:一、狠抓“三教统筹”,同唱“教育兴农”曲“全国教育战线科技成果转化与推广动员大会”召开后,我市即迅速行动:一是认真部署,全面动员。首先是向市政府主要领导及分管领导汇报全省教育战线实用科技成果转化动员会精神,并成立了以教委、农委主要领导任组长,相关领导为成员的领导班子。办公室设在市教委成人的教育科,负责日常工作。其次是召开由各县(市、区)分管农业的副县(市、区)长参加的动员 Last year, Hubei Province Education Commission identified the province’s educational front “practical science and technology into the year”, the city’s education administrative departments at all levels and all levels of various types of schools to promote practical scientific and technological achievements 22, the promotion of an area of ​​60000 acres, to achieve economic benefits 120 million yuan, to promote the development of the rural economy in the city has made its contribution. Our main practices and understandings are as follows: First, pay close attention to “three education co-ordination”, singing “education agriculture” song “national educational front transformation and promotion of scientific and technological achievements mobilization meeting”, the city is quick action: First, serious Deployment, full mobilization. The first is to report to the municipal government leaders and leaders in charge of the province’s education front of practical achievements in scientific and technological transformation of the mobilization of the spirit, and set up a Board of Education, the principal leaders of the Agriculture Committee as leaders, the leadership as a member of the leadership. The office is located in the City Board of Education adult education department, responsible for daily work. The second is to mobilize the deputy counties (cities, districts) who are in charge of agriculture in each county (city, district) to participate in the mobilization
还原型谷胱甘肽治疗病毒性肝炎疗效观察630038 重庆军三军医大学西南医院何念海,顾长海,王小红,马巧玉,张绪清关键词谷胱甘肽,还原型;肝炎,病毒性;注射,静脉内中国图书资料分类号R512.6为了验证TAD注
美国钛金属公司(TIMET)称,基于商业航空及工业的需求,2012年全球钛轧材装运量将在去年基础之上增长7~10%。 According to TIMET, due to the demand of commercial aviation
基本概况 应美国阿姆斯壮大学校长黄天中博士的邀请,中美鄂壮工商培训学院首期国际工商管理高级研修班一行15人,在湖北省经贸委、省外办的大力支持和领导下,于2000年7月6日
Aim: To study the expression of MMP1 and TIMP1 in normal and radiation-combined wound healing and their effects on the healing process. Materials and Methods: A