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为了探讨不同有机肥条件下施氮水平对土壤水解酶活性和夏玉米、冬小麦产量的影响,在陕西省眉县进行田间试验,研究和分析土壤水解酶活性及玉米、小麦产量。研究涉及无(0 kg/hm2)、中(22 500 kg/hm2)2个有机肥条件和N0(0 kg/hm2)、N1(60 kg/hm2)、N2(120 kg/hm2)、N3(180 kg/hm2)4个施氮水平。结果表明,施氮对3种土壤水解酶活性均有明显影响,而不同的土壤水解酶对施氮量的响应有所差异。无有机肥和中有机肥条件下,施氮可以提高蔗糖酶活性,前者中量氮肥效果最好,后者低量氮肥效果最佳。无有机肥条件下,低量氮肥可以提高脲酶活性,但中量和高量会抑制其活性,中有机肥条件下,随着施氮量的增加脲酶活性降低。无有机肥和中有机肥条件下,碱性磷酸酶活性随着施氮量的增加呈升高趋势。玉米-小麦生长期内,土壤蔗糖酶、脲酶和碱性磷酸酶活性随生长进程的变化趋势各不相同。无有机肥和中有机肥条件下,施氮明显提高了玉米、小麦产量,低量氮肥对玉米增产效果最好,中量氮肥对小麦增产效果最佳。 In order to investigate the effect of nitrogen application rate on soil hydrolase activity and yield of summer maize and winter wheat under different manure conditions, field experiments were conducted in Mei County of Shaanxi Province to study and analyze soil hydrolase activity and yield of maize and wheat. The study involved two organic manure conditions (0 kg / hm2) and medium (22 500 kg / hm2) with N0 (0 kg / hm2), N1 (60 kg / hm2), N2 180 kg / hm2) four nitrogen levels. The results showed that nitrogen application had significant effects on three soil hydrolase activities, but different soil hydrolases had different responses to nitrogen application. Under the condition of no organic manure and medium organic manure, nitrogen fertilization could increase the activity of sucrase, while the former had the best nitrogen yield, and the latter had the best nitrogen fertilizer efficiency. Under the condition of no organic manure, the low amount of nitrogen fertilizer could increase the urease activity, but the medium and high amount could inhibit its activity. Under medium organic manure, the urease activity decreased with the increase of nitrogen application rate. Without organic manure and medium organic manure, alkaline phosphatase activity increased with the increase of nitrogen application rate. During the growth period of maize and wheat, the changes of soil invertase, urease and alkaline phosphatase activities varied with the growth process. Under the condition of no organic manure and medium organic manure, the nitrogen application obviously increased the yield of maize and wheat, and the low nitrogen fertilizer had the best effect on yield increasing of maize. The medium nitrogen fertilizer had the best effect on yield increasing of wheat.
“腹有诗书气自华”。读书是体现一个人修养和一个民族精神品格的重要标志。今年,央视推出的大型文化类节目《中国古诗词大会》和《朗读者》火了,唤起了国人的诗心和对文学的温柔记忆,这在一定程度上说明,随着文化自觉和文化自信的深入人心,中国人对精神文化表现出了更强劲的需求。  “惟书有色,艳于西子;惟书有华,秀于百卉”。暮春时节,风和日丽,闲暇之时,幽闭斗室,品茗读书,人生至乐也!可以领略楚辞的风骚、汉赋的
1.硫酸按除锈法:将硫酸铵1:25水溶液放入陶制水缸里,然后将生锈的农机零配件放进缸里,浸泡一昼夜后,锈迹便自动浮出水面,取出机具配件用破布擦净锈迹,晾干后涂上石灰乳或凡士林即可。 2.小
(2002年4月24目江苏省第九届人民代表大会常务委员会第二十九次会议通过) 江苏省第九届人民代表大会常务委员会第二十九次会议审议了《江苏省农业机械管理条例修正案(草案)