
来源 :管理世界 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:clijunhan
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一、企业结构分析有色金属工业总公司成立于1983年4月,根据国务院(1983)53号文件规定,总公司对直属企业“人、财、物、产、供、销实行集中领导,统一经营管理”,总公司是“产销结合、工贸一体的经济实体”,同时受国家委托,行使行业管理职能。有色金属工业总公司的成立,极大地推动了有色金属工业的发展,是我国工业管理体制改革的重大成果之一。然而由于历史的局限和人们认识过程的制约,在上收企业组建总公司的同时,没有完全按照工业公司的要求,进行适时的改组联台,实施专业化生产、集约化经 I. Analysis of corporate structure Nonferrous Metals Industry Corporation was established in April 1983. According to Document No. 53 of the State Council (1983), the head office implements centralized leadership of people, finance, property, production, supply, and sales of directly-affiliated enterprises and unified management. “Management”, the head office is “integrated production and marketing, economic and trade integration of industry and economic entities”, at the same time entrusted by the state, the exercise of industry management functions. The establishment of the Nonferrous Metals Industry Corporation has greatly promoted the development of the non-ferrous metals industry and is one of the major achievements in the reform of China’s industrial management system. However, due to the limitations of history and people’s understanding of the process, when the companies receiving the income collection form the head office, they did not fully comply with the requirements of the industrial companies and carried out timely reorganization and joint implementation of specialized production and intensification.
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香港是我国乃到全世界信息化程度最高的地区之一。由于百年来东西方经济、文化、科学、技术在此频繁地交汇,它已成为举世公认的国际金融、贸易、航运、通信以及旅 Hong Kong
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MON TUE WED 春天圆舞曲 适合年龄二C-3岁 春夭到了,带宝宝到大自然中和 春姑娘跳个圆舞曲吧。选择一个 优美的旋祠)或慢兰慢四的舞曲, 妈妈拉着宝宝的手或抱着宝宝跟 着音乐