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作为一项较新的信托业务,资产证券化越来越受到信托公司的重视,也对信托公司的业务转型、受托管理、风险合规管理等各个方面产生影响,但由于资产证券化业务总体规模仍较小、信托收入较低等原因,加之资产证券化业务专业性更强、交易结构更复杂,大部分信托公司仍未配备专业、完善资产证券化业务团队和系统,信托公司自身的资产证券化业务标准化建设仍待提高。另外,从受托人角度看资产证券化业务全链条,受托管理的上下游其他环节的标准化建设也有诸多可提升空间。 As a newer trust business, asset securitization has been paid more and more attention by trust companies, and also affected various aspects such as business transformation, entrusted management and risk compliance management of trust companies. However, as the overall scale of asset securitization business, Still smaller trust income and other reasons, combined with asset securitization business more professional, more complex trading structure, most of the trust company is still not equipped with professional, improve the securitization of the business team and system, the trust company’s own asset and securities Standardization of business building still needs to be improved. In addition, from the perspective of trustee asset securitization business chain, the entrusted management of other aspects of the standardization of construction there are many room for improvement.
1 0月1 9日,三季度宏观经济数据出炉,各项数据表现平稳。然而,随着全国范围的房地产调控政策开始实施,后续经济下行压力会否明显增大,成为不少市场人士眼下担忧的问题。受此
1 总体战略:全部人口的数字化    在中国广电数字化总的战略格局中,首先要完成全部人口的数字化:用户无论是在城市还是在农村,无论是静止状态还是移动状况,都可以接收到数字电视信号。具体而言,即通过有线电视数字化实现城市人口的数字化,通过直播星及地面数字电视(地面数字电视固定接收)推及农村以及边远地区人口的数字化,通过移动多媒体广播规划中的S波段大功率卫星及移动数字电视(地面数字电视移动接收)实现移
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Acute pancreatitis (AP) secondary to drugs is un- common, with an incidence ranging from 0.3% to 2.0% of AP cases. Drug-induced AP due to statins is rare, and o
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介绍了机械化学的发展历史及其基本特征 ,概述了超细粉碎机械化学的研究现状 ,总结了超细粉碎机械化学在矿物深加工、粉体功能化及材料制备等领域中的应用 ,并指出了超细粉碎