双料隐士 Jamal Crawford

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“我不知道以前有没有出现过这样的情况,连续两个季后赛比赛日颁发奖项,但还是得谢谢大家给我腾出了一个领奖的机会。不过要让我在凯文·杜兰特拿到MVP之后做我自己的领奖感言,你知道,他的奖已经是最牛的了,这感觉就像小乔丹和格里芬上演暴扣之后我又来了个快攻上篮。”天赐之才克劳福德在讲台后站着,前边放着他的第二座最佳第六人奖杯。贾马尔看起来有点紧张,虽然他的脸和平时在赛场上一样,面无表情,不过一只手插在裤兜里,然后肩膀左右不断地摇晃,看得出,他不太适应当着这么多人的面说话。“谢谢大家来捧场,首先我要感谢上帝,如果没有上帝就没有我。上帝造就了我的一切,我人生中最棒的事情都是来自于上帝。”克劳福德先把一切都归功于上天,的确,他拥有着无与伦比的天赋,克劳福德式的运球、克劳福德式的国人、克劳福德 “I do not know if this has happened before, awarded two consecutive playoff games day awards, but still have to thank you for giving me a chance to accept the award, but let me in Kevin Du After winning an MVP, Rand came up with my own award statement, and you know, his prize is already the best of the best, and it feels like little Jordan and Griffin put on a fast break layup . ”The godsend Crawford stood behind the podium with the second best sixth man trophy in front of him. Jamal looked a little nervous, though his face was as blank as he normally was on the court, but with one hand in his trouser pockets and his shoulders shaking constantly, it was clear that he was not too comfortable with so many Human face to talk. First of all, I want to thank God, if there is no God, there is no God. God created all of me, the best things in my life are from God. “” Crawford first everything Thanks to God, indeed, he has an incomparable talent, Crawford dribble, Crawford-style people, Crawford
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