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目的:分析非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)组织中N-myc下游调节基因1(NDRG1)的表达及临床意义。方法:免疫组织化学SP和反转录-聚合酶链式反应(RT-PCR)方法分别检测NDRG1在NSCLC组织中的蛋白和mRNA表达。结果:NDRG1的表达定位于细胞质(46/85,54.1%)、细胞核(18/85,21.2%)和细胞膜(9/85,10.6%),总阳性率为61.2%(52/85)。NDRG1在癌旁正常肺组织中的表达(22/85,25.9%)低于肺癌组织,P=0.000。NDRG1在淋巴结转移癌组织中的表达(17/40,42.5%)低于原发灶癌(P=0.003),但高于正常肺组织,P=0.002。NDRG1蛋白表达与肿瘤大小呈正相关,肿瘤≥3 cm组的NDRG1蛋白表达(45/59,76.3%)高于肿瘤<3 cm组(7/26,26.9%),P=0.000。NSCLC组织中NDRG1mRNA水平高于癌旁正常肺组织,P=0.000。NSCLC组织中NDRG1 mRNA表达水平与蛋白表达水平呈正相关,P=0.025。另外,NDRG1阳性组患者的平均生存时间为(35.84±15.07)个月,明显低于NDRG1阴性组患者(63.69±12.16)个月,P=0.002。结论:NSCLC组织中NDRG1的表达相对于癌旁正常肺组织升高,并随肿瘤体积增大而上调,其过表达可能具有提示患者预后不良的意义。 Objective: To analyze the expression of N-myc downstream regulatory gene 1 (NDRG1) in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and its clinical significance. Methods: Immunohistochemical SP and reverse transcription - polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) were used to detect the protein and mRNA expression of NDRG1 in NSCLC tissues. Results: NDRG1 expression was localized in the cytoplasm (46/85, 54.1%), nuclei (18/85, 21.2%) and cell membrane (9/85, 10.6%) with a total positive rate of 61.2% (52/85). The expression of NDRG1 in normal lung tissue (22/85, 25.9%) was lower than that in lung cancer (P = 0.000). The expression of NDRG1 in lymph node metastasis tissues (17 / 40,42.5%) was lower than that in primary cancers (P = 0.003), but higher than that in normal lung tissues (P = 0.002). The expression of NDRG1 protein was positively correlated with tumor size. The expression of NDRG1 protein in tumors ≥3 cm (45/59, 76.3%) was significantly higher than that in tumors <3 cm (7/26, 26.9%) (P = 0.000). The level of NDRG1 mRNA in NSCLC tissues was higher than that in adjacent normal lung tissues (P = 0.000). The expression of NDRG1 mRNA in NSCLC tissues was positively correlated with the protein expression level (P = 0.025). In addition, the average survival time of patients with NDRG1 positive was (35.84 ± 15.07) months, significantly lower than that of patients with NDRG1 negative (63.69 ± 12.16) months, P = 0.002. CONCLUSIONS: The expression of NDRG1 in NSCLC tissue is increased relative to the normal lung tissue adjacent to cancer, and is up-regulated with the increase of tumor volume. The overexpression of NDRG1 may have implications for the poor prognosis of patients.
对电化厂送料装置 IHI 卧式连续离心机的螺旋叶片的断裂进行了宏观、微观分析,确定裂纹源位于未焊合区内侧,扩展过程为疲劳机制。断裂原因系焊接质量不良所致。 The macro-a
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