Reaction of Active Praseodymium Metal on Carbonyl Compounds

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangzu03
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Great progress has been made recently in the research of the application of lanthanides, especially lanthanide salts, to the organic synthesis. Lanthanoid metals have special reactivity to organic compounds. The preparation of active metals and the studies on their reaction with organic compounds show some potential activity, and therefore have received more and more attention. In our study on the application of active neodymium metal prepared by the reduction of anhydrous neodymium chloride with lithium naphthalide, we have found that the reactivity to carbonyl compounds is very high. In a similar way, our recent experiments show that the reaction of active praseodymium metal on carbonyl compounds is very interesting. Great progress has been made in the research of the application of lanthanides, especially lanthanide salts, to the organic synthesis. The preparation of active metals and the studies on their reaction with organic compounds show some potential activity, and therefore have have received more and more attention. In our study on the application of active neodymium metal prepared by the reduction of anhydrous neodymium chloride with lithium naphthalide, we have found that the reactivity to carbonyl compounds is very high. , we recently experiments show that the reaction of active praseodymium metal on carbonyl compounds is very interesting.
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