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英国 Marlow 钻探服务有限公司生产出一种新型轻便复盖层深部化探取样装置,其名称是Marlow Prospectorpac。该装置配有一台轻便液压动力装置,一台手持式液压冲击锤和一台双缸液压拔杆器。动力装置的重量为160磅。在压力为2000磅/英 Marlow Drilling Services Ltd., UK, has produced a new lightweight capping deep geochemical sampler called the Marlow Prospectorpac. The unit is equipped with a lightweight hydraulic power unit, a hand-held hydraulic impact hammer and a twin hydraulic pull rod. The power unit weighs 160 pounds. The pressure is 2000 pounds / British
1. Combeau, De la houille ses productions dans le monde entier, son emploi ses particularites 1921. $ 3.70 1. Combeau, De la houille ses productions dans le m
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DerTee(NachHeinrichHeine)DieGeschichte’dieichjetzterzahlenwill,spieItwiederindenBadernvonLucca1.Furchtedichnicht,deutscherLes... DerTee (NachHeinrichHeine) DieGeschichte’dieichjetzterzahlenwill, spieItwiederindenBadernvonLucca1. Furchtedichnicht, deutsch
1.Chalicotherioide Remains from the Chinese Hipparion Fauna Chalicotherioidea gen.& sp.indet.Locality:Province Shansi,Loc.77.Age:Lower Pliocene. The only find
The Hercynian movement,as it is known,embraces all the move-ments from the beginning of Carboniferous to the end of Permian.InChina it is only within the last
目的评价辽宁省6县市基层医疗单位就诊的缺血性脑卒中患者原发性高血压防治现状。方法 2007年3月~2008年10月采用分层整群抽样方法选择辽宁省本溪县、西丰县、阜新县、庄河市
The Yehlangian of Ting and Graban includes the Paoan shale,the Yülungshanlimestone,the Feihsienkuan shale and the Sanchiao limestone.In their opinion thesefor
阿尔卑斯北部中欧地区被一条活动的裂谷带所切割。主要块段是来因地堑、穿越来因地块的地震活动带、来因河下游支地槽及其邻近的须德海洼地(荷兰)。这些单元形成一条延伸 C