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4月2日,省档案局召开了省直机关科技档案工作协作组长会议,14名协作组长到会。会议在全省档案局(馆)长会议和省(中)直机关档案工作会议精神指导下,坚持解放思想、争创一流不动摇,围绕搞好科技档案工作协作组活动这一主题,各系统、各单位广泛交流了开展科技档案工作的经验、做法,针对存在的问题和今后各协作组活动的安排,进行了认真的研究与讨论,取得了许多共识和有益的收获。在回顾一年多来各协作组工作时,大家感到,协作组较好地发挥了纽带作用,促进了联系交流,调动了各方面的工作积极性,推动一些带有普遍性的业务工作深入发展。但也存在诸如组与组之间工作开展不平衡,活动方式单一,有的同志缺少热情等问题,这对开展协作组工作乃至更好地开展科技档案工作是不利的。会议提出,今后协作组活动首先要落实当前科技档案工作的主要任务,如各系统应抓好企业和科技事 On April 2, the Provincial Archives Bureau held a meeting of leaders of science and technology archives of the provincial authorities directly under the leadership of the archives and 14 team leaders attended the meeting. Under the guidance of the archives board meeting of the province and the archives meeting of the provincial (middle) directorate, the conference insisted on emancipating the mind and unswervingly striving for excellence. Focusing on the theme of improving the activities of the collaborative group of scientific and technological archives work, the various systems All units conducted extensive exchanges of experience and practices in carrying out scientific and technological archives work, conducted earnest studies and discussions on the existing problems and arrangements for future activities of various cooperation groups, and obtained many consensuses and useful rewards. When reviewing the work of the co-operation teams in the past year or more, we feel that the co-operation groups have played a good role as a link, promoted contacts and exchanges, mobilized all aspects of work enthusiasm and promoted the further development of some universally-oriented business operations. However, there are problems such as unbalanced work among groups and groups, unilateral activities and lack of enthusiasm among some comrades. This is unfavorable for carrying out cooperative work and even better carrying out scientific and technological archives. The meeting proposed that in the future the cooperative group activities must first implement the major tasks of the current scientific and technological archives work, for example, each system should do a good job in enterprises and science and technology
总论 “史统”、“道统”与古代“小说”/张开焱/社会科学战线3/2003 宗教传播与中国小说观念的变化/王青/世界宗教研究2/2003 中国小说的文化空间和文化格局/刘登阁/人文杂
蒙娜丽莎神秘的微笑具有个性,罗密欧与朱丽叶凄美的爱情具有个性。若是它们失去了个性,蒙娜丽莎的微笑还会神秘得令人向往,罗密欧与朱丽叶的爱情还会凄美得令人痴醉? 个性是
啪嗒嗒,啪嗒嗒……听!是天使拍打翅膀的声音,天使的翅膀上载着无数的雪娃娃,快到人间了,天使们把雪娃娃撒向大地。 Hey, hey...heard! It’s the sound of angels flapping