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我国现在所开采的铁矿石中,很多含有铜、钴、钒、钛、镍、铅、锌、硫、磷以及稀土元素等多种有益矿物。目前除了大量利用铁矿石,部分的回收了铜、钒、钛及钴的有益金属以外,还有许多共生有益矿物,没有充分利用。因此,开展铁矿石的综合利用,对扩大我国冶金工业原料来源,特别是对有色和稀土元素的综合利用具有非常重要的意义。大家知道,铁矿石的综合利用,不仅可以除掉铁矿石中对冶炼的有害杂质,提高入炉原料的质量,降低焦比和生产成本,同时可以扩大有色、稀有金属及非金属原料来源,并可提高我国铁矿石的开采价值和扩大生产规模。近年来,由于国内外选矿技术的进步,回收铁矿石中的铜钴钒钛及稀土等元素,得到很大的发展。特别是对某些呈细粒嵌布的有用矿物及分散元素的利用,采用物理及化学的联合处理方法获得了良好的 Many of the iron ore mined now in our country contain many beneficial minerals such as copper, cobalt, vanadium, titanium, nickel, lead, zinc, sulfur, phosphorus and rare earth elements. In addition to the extensive use of iron ore and the recovery of some beneficial metals such as copper, vanadium, titanium and cobalt, there are many symbiotic beneficial minerals that are not fully utilized. Therefore, to carry out the comprehensive utilization of iron ore, to expand the source of China’s metallurgical industry raw materials, especially for the comprehensive utilization of non-ferrous and rare earth elements is of great significance. As we all know, the comprehensive utilization of iron ore can not only remove harmful impurities from smelting iron ore, improve the quality of raw materials into the furnace, lower the coke ratio and the production cost, meanwhile, expand the sources of non-ferrous, non-metallic and non-metallic raw materials , And can raise the mining value of iron ore in our country and expand the scale of production. In recent years, due to the progress of beneficiation technology at home and abroad, the recovery of copper, cobalt, vanadium and titanium and rare earth elements in iron ore has been greatly developed. Especially for the use of some fine minerals and disperse elements embedded in fine grains, a combination of physical and chemical methods is used to obtain a good
胃良性肿瘤2例报告ReportoftwoCaseswithBenignTumorofStomach李爱友山东省济南市中心医院放射科250013胃良性肿瘤比较少见,现将我院收治的2例报告如下。例1女性,60岁。因返酸嗳气5a,近日加重伴皮肤搔痒入院。查... Report of two cas