Electronic Journals in the Digital Environment: Issues and Future Trends

来源 :图书情报工作 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mmssbb
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Building and managing electronic journal collections in the digital environment poses many challenges for librarians, as e-lectronic journals exist in a complex and constantly changing state involving different digital formats, new pricing structures, and various access routes. This paper reviews critical issues that North American libraries face in managing electronic journals, including a brief history, the selection criteria, consortia purchasing, licensing, operational costs, providing access, user support, usage statistics, canceling print subscriptions, and electronic journal archives. Future trends discussed include open access e-journals, and the continuing development of e-journal collections and best practices in managing this essential constituent of academic library collections. Building and managing electronic journal collections in the digital environment poses many challenges for librarians, as e-lectronic journals exist in a complex and ever changing state involving different digital formats, new pricing structures, and various access routes. This paper reviews critical issues that North American libraries face managing electronic journals, including a brief history, the selection criteria, consortia purchasing, licensing, operational costs, providing access, user support, usage statistics, canceling print subscriptions, and electronic journal archives. -journals, and the continuing development of e-journal collections and best practices in managing this essential constituent of academic library collections.
排便次数减少,每2~3 d或更长时间排便一次,无规律性,粪质干硬,常伴有排便困难感,称为便秘[1]。便秘患者用力排便会使腹压和心内压力增加,导致心率加快,心肌收缩力增强,心脏负
有人说他中庸,有人说他摇摆,还有人说他哗众取宠。无论外界怎样评价,这位时常以光头亮相的经济学家总是有惊世骇俗的语言喷薄而出。是个性使然还是学到深处人孤独? Some peo
目的比较10 d序贯疗法与传统四联疗法根治幽门螺杆菌(Hp)的疗效与安全性。方法选取48例14C尿素呼气试验阳性病例,随机分为两组:治疗组前5 d予奥美拉唑或埃索镁拉唑、阿莫西林
AIM:To evaluate radiofrequency thermal ablation (RTA) for treatment of cystic echinococcosis in animal models (explanted organs).METHODS:Infected livers and lun