
来源 :山东劳动保障 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ghosty
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众所周知,养老保险正常运行的关键在于基金的收支平衡。但统计资料显示,1998年,全国养老保险基金首次出现赤字1.4亿元;1999年,全国算总账,总的收入为1965.1亿元,支出1929.9亿元,结余40.2亿元;从部分省市情况看,全国仍有16个省收不抵支,差额总计29.5亿元。平均收不抵支率(收支缺额比收入额)为3.2%;截至2000年5月底,除广东、宁夏、银行系统外,其他省市支大于收44.4亿元。造成基金收不抵支的原因,理论界阐释的比较多,这里不再详述。对于如何从根本上解决这一难题,我认为应采取如下对策:一、广辟筹资渠道,通过财政、税收、债券及变现部分国有资产解决转制成本问题。长期以来,我国企业职工创造的绝大多数利润均转化成政府的收入,并沉淀于国有资产当中,其中用于养老金积累的部分相当少。随着经济的发展、养老金水平的不断提高,加上我国已开始步入老年型社会、白发人群骤增等因素,基金需要量 As we all know, the normal operation of pension insurance lies in the balance of payments. However, statistics show that for the first time in 1998, the deficit of the national pension insurance fund was 140 million yuan. In 1999, the national total ledger was 196.51 billion yuan, with an expenditure of 192.99 billion yuan and a balance of 4.02 billion yuan. In some provinces and cities There are still 16 provinces in the whole country that have not received any payment and the total difference is 2.95 billion yuan. The average income-to-expenditure ratio (income-to-expenditure gap-to-income ratio) was 3.2%. As of the end of May 2000, except for Guangdong, Ningxia and the banking system, other provinces and municipalities exceeded the revenue by 4.44 billion yuan. The reason why the fund can not receive the payment can not be explained in more detail in the theoretical field. As for how to fundamentally solve this problem, I think we should adopt the following countermeasures: First, open up financing channels, through the financial, taxation, bonds and the realization of some state-owned assets to solve the problem of restructuring costs. For a long time, the vast majority of profits created by the employees of enterprises in our country have been transformed into the revenue of the government and have been deposited in the state-owned assets. There are quite a few of the funds used for the accumulation of pensions. With the economic development, the continuous improvement of the level of pensions, coupled with the fact that our country has begun to step into an aged society and the number of white-haired people have soared, the fund requirement
"教育公平是社会公平的基础" ,发展特殊教育职业教育,促进残疾人就业,是促进教育公平的一个重要举措,这就要求特殊教育学校必须抓好职业教育师资队伍的专业化建设.本文基于教
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