共同利用市场机制和产业政策 促进区域经济发展——珠江三角洲经济区战略带来我国区域经济发展模式的新探索

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无论过去还是将来,珠江三角洲地区经济都是广东经济实现高速增长的中坚构成.珠江三角洲地区的产业结构和产业组织状况能否适应本世纪末、下世纪初的开放型经济发展和竞争需要,直接关系到广东在未来20年内追赶亚洲“四小龙”并提前实现基本现代化的进程快慢.原因很简单:产业结构制约产品结构和贸易结构.产业结构不符合国内外市场变动和竞争需要,内外贸业务量就会在经济竞争中被动萎缩,进而扼止区域经济的增长后劲;产业组织制约竞争活力和规模经济.产业组织不符合适度竞争和规模经济原则,内外贸产品质量和价格就难以充分形成市场竞争优势,进而削弱区域经济的发展实力.展望21世纪,珠江三角洲地区产业结构与产业组织演进趋势正面临着适应开放型经济发展和竞争的挑战.适应好了,珠江三角洲地区经济在迈向21世纪的全国全方位开放开发中仍将充当广东经济率先增长的“增长极”角色.适应不好,珠江三角洲地区经济就有可能在全国全方位开放开发中被其他地区“后来居上”,从而使广东经济难以顺利实现诸多预期的发展目标. Whether in the past or in the future, the economic development in the Pearl River Delta is the backbone of the rapid economic growth in Guangdong. Whether the industrial structure and industrial organization in the Pearl River Delta region can meet the needs of the open economy and competition in the end of this century and the beginning of the next century is directly related to To Guangdong in the next 20 years to catch up with the Asian “four little dragons” and advance the pace of basic modernization. The reason is very simple: the industrial structure of product structure and trade constraints. Industrial structure does not meet the needs of domestic and foreign market changes and competition, domestic and foreign trade volume They will passively shrink in the economic competition, thereby curbing the growth potential of the regional economy; the industrial organization restricts the vitality of the competition and the economies of scale. The industrial organization does not conform to the principle of proper competition and economies of scale. It is difficult for the quality and price of domestic and foreign trade products to fully form the market competition Prospects for the Development of Regional Economy in the 21st Century In the 21st century, the industrial structure and the evolution of industrial organization in the Pearl River Delta are facing the challenge of adapting to the development and competition of an open economy. To adapt well, the economy in the Pearl River Delta region is moving towards the 21st century The country’s all-round opening up and development Will continue to serve as the “growth pole” for Guangdong’s economy to take the lead in growth and the economy in the Pearl River Delta may become “later” in other areas during the full-scale opening up and development of the whole country, making it difficult for Guangdong’s economy to achieve many expected developments smoothly aims.
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