
来源 :国际社会科学杂志(中文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Taosnowball
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本文研究了环境问题是如何考验世贸组织的。它涉及全球政治经济以及生态经济学。第一部分探讨环境问题的处理。第二部分讨论生态批评并对其主要建议做了评价。作者提出三个特别的观点。 (1)环境问题虽然没有荣登乌拉圭回合的议题 ,然而如今世贸组织再也不能对之置若罔闻 :生态批评由于在贸易组织中引进生物圈有限、政治主导的思想 ,已经改变了争论的方向。 (2 )世贸组织秘书处现在能够而且愿意讨论生态批评的实质内容 ;认识到贸易政策处在大有可辩的领域 ,尤其在涉及自由贸易的地位以及均衡、安全而公平贸易的地位的时候。(3)在处理与环境相关的贸易争端时;;世贸组织仍然只限于采用其他方面的标准;;这些标准是由有着各式各样构型的多边协议和具有混合地位的国际政治机构制定的。采用外部标准意味着权威的转移;;这在有关贸易和环境的全球政治经济学中已经成为一个至关重要的议题。 This article examines how environmental issues test the WTO. It involves the global political economy and ecological economics. The first part deals with the handling of environmental issues. The second part discusses ecocriticism and evaluates its main recommendations. The author proposes three special points of view. (1) Although the environmental issue is not an issue of the Uruguay Round, the World Trade Organization can no longer ignore it at any time: ecocriticism has changed the direction of controversy due to its limited and politically dominant thinking in the WTO. (2) The WTO secretariat is now able and willing to discuss the substance of ecocriticism; recognize that trade policy is in a highly definable field, especially when it comes to the status of free trade and its status as a balanced, safe and fair trade. (3) when dealing with trade-related environmental disputes; WTO remains confined to the use of other standards; these standards are set by multilateral agreements of various configurations and by mixed international political institutions . The use of external standards implies the transfer of authority; this has become a crucial issue in global political economy on trade and the environment.
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