Inverse Gas Chromatographic Study of the Oxidation Stability of Lubricating Base Oils via Solubility

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The Flory-Huggins interaction parameter(χ1,2∞) and solubility parameter(δ2) and its hydrogen bonding sensing component(δh) were determined using inverse gas chromatography(IGC).These parameters were successfully used in the probes of chemical changes that occur during the oxidation of naphthenic and paraffinic base oils in a GC column.Changes in χ1,2∞ values reflect the different types of intermolecular interactions(dispersive,polar,hydrogen bonding) of the given lubricating base oil during oxidation.The obtained results showed that δh component of solubility parameter is the most important parameter for probing the oxidative-chemical changes during the oxidation of given lubricating oils. The parameters of successfully used in the probes of chemical changes that occur (χ1,2∞) and the solubility parameter (δ2) and its hydrogen bonding sensing component (δh) were determined using inverse gas chromatography during the oxidation of naphthenic and paraffinic base oils in a GC column. Changes in the different types of intermolecular interactions (dispersive, polar, hydrogen bonding) of the given lubricating base oil during oxidation. The resulting results showed that that δh component of solubility parameter is the most important parameter for probing the oxidative-chemical changes during the oxidation of given lubricating oils.
摘要:近年來,南京市中考数学试卷,立足于新课程标准,重视对初中数学核心概念的考查,内容涉及“数与代数”、“空间与图形”、“统计与概率”、“实践与综合运用”四个领域。本文通过中考例题的评析,解读了南京市中考数学试卷对学生考查重点方向与特点。  关键词:中考数学;例题评析;思考  中图分类号:G633文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2017)20-066-2
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