Can Computers Harm Children?

来源 :科技英语学习 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jimgreen22
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我是一个七旬老人。我常慨叹,在我有生之年能够用上电脑,是我一生中最幸运的事情之一。在我家里,不仅我用电脑,而且,我的小孙子也用上了电脑。目睹孩子久坐于电脑前,我曾寻思:孩子天性的萌发是否会受到影响?读了此文,我发现,操此心者,非我一人也! 1/Early exposure to computers stunts(阻止)children’s development! 2/Children are increasingly being denied warmth,artistic inspiration andtanding. 3/Introduction to computers at an early age does not heighten children’screativity and can cause eyestrain(眼睛疲劳),repetitive stress injuries andobesity. 读者朋友,你同意以上观点吗? I am a seventy-year old man. I often lament that I can use my computer for the rest of my life and it is one of the luckiest things in my life. In my home, not only did I use a computer, but my little grandson also used a computer. I witnessed the child sitting in front of a computer. I wondered if the germination of the child’s nature would be affected. After reading this article, I found out that the person who is doing this is not me! 1/Early exposure to computers stunts(stop)children’s development! 2/Children are increasingly being denied warmth, artistic inspiration and tanding. 3/Introduction to computers at an early age does not heighten children’screativity and can cause eyestrain, repetitive stress injuries and others. Readers, do you agree with this? ?
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