
来源 :中国临床康复 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lincystar
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背景:脑卒中偏瘫患者通常存在着平衡功能的障碍,常见的评估手段以定性为主,而对制定康复计划和治疗效果评估更需要平衡功能定量化标准。目的:探讨脑卒中偏瘫患者重心摆动测定各参数与其他功能评价变量之间相互的关系,及其对脑卒中偏瘫患者功能恢复评价中的价值。设计:以定性评估为依据的定量评估研究。单位:解放军总医院耳鼻咽喉科、康复医学科。对象:选择2002-09/2003-04解放军总医院康复医学科进行康复治疗的19例脑卒中偏瘫患者,均为首次发病,颈内动脉系统一侧大脑半球病变的患者,男14例,女5例,年龄33~55岁,病程0.5~4个月。方法:对19例脑卒中偏瘫患者进行功能独立性测量、起立-行走测定、Berg平衡评价及重心摆动测定仪来进行平衡测定的评价。其中重心摆动测定仪是一种定量分析方法,主要包括总轨迹长,速度,外周面积,X方向动摇平均中心变位,Y方向动摇平均中心变位等参数。主要观察指标:用Pearson相关分析确定重心摆动测定仪测定的各参数与其他功能测评变量之间的关系。结果:按意向处理分析,19例脑卒中偏瘫患者全部进入结果分析。重心摆动测定参数中睁、闭眼的总轨迹长、速度、外周面积与Berg平衡评价评分之间呈中度负相关(r=-0.475~-0.705,P<0.05);其中闭眼的外周面积与Berg平衡评价评分之间相关较好 BACKGROUND: Patients with hemiplegia due to stroke usually have barriers to balance function. Commonly used methods of assessment are qualitatively based, and quantitative criteria for functional balance are more necessary for the development of rehabilitation programs and evaluation of therapeutic effects. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the relationship between each parameter and other functional variables in hemiplegic patients with stroke and its value in evaluating the functional recovery of stroke patients with hemiplegia. Design: Quantitative Assessment Studies Based on Qualitative Assessment. Unit: Department of Otolaryngology, PLA General Hospital, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine. PARTICIPANTS: Nineteen patients with hemiparesis were selected for the rehabilitation treatment of the rehabilitation medicine department of PLA General Hospital from September 2002 to April 2003. They were all patients with first onset and cerebral hemisphere lesions on one side of internal carotid artery. There were 14 males and 5 females Cases, aged 33 to 55 years old, duration 0.5 to 4 months. Methods: Nineteen patients with hemiplegia after stroke were measured for functional independence, standing-walking test, Berg balance evaluation and center-of-gravity wobbler to evaluate the balance. The center of gravity swing detector is a quantitative analysis method, which mainly includes parameters such as total track length, velocity, outer circumference area, average center displacement in X direction and average center displacement in Y direction. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Pearson correlation analysis was used to determine the relationship between various parameters measured by the center-of-gravity wobbler and other functional measures. Results: According to intention-to-treat analysis, 19 patients with stroke hemiplegia all entered the result analysis. There was a moderate negative correlation (r = -0.475 ~ -0.705, P <0.05) between the total trajectory length, the velocity and the peripheral area of ​​Bergamoney and the Berg balance assessment score in the measurement parameters of center of gravity swing. The peripheral area of ​​the closed eyes Correlation with the Berg Balance Rating score is good
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