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在国内现代化建设步伐不断加快的时代背景之下,国民物质文化水平不断提升,对油画艺术创作的标准也有了大幅度提升。而就少数民族题材的优化创作来看,由于其能够体现出我国少数民族的民族特征与文化内涵,所以具有较高的创作价值,市场前景极为广阔。对此,本文从少数民族题材油画的文化底蕴、发展态势与现代特征三大方面入手,分别对少数民族题材在油画创作中的应用现状进行了简要分析,以供参考。 Under the background of accelerating pace of modernization in the country, the material and cultural level of the people is constantly improving, and the standard of creating oil painting art has also been greatly improved. In terms of optimizing the creation of ethnic minorities, it has a high creative value because of its national characteristics and cultural connotations. Therefore, the market prospect is extremely broad. In this regard, this article starts from the three aspects of the cultural background, the development trend and the modern characteristics of the minority nationality oil painting, and briefly analyzes the application status of the minority nationalities in the oil painting creation for reference.
创作感言:时下为艺者盲从甚众,眼界平庸,所谓追求多为阿堵物所制。我希望自己能够不为时风左右,一意孤行地追求自己心仪的创作风格。 Creation Testimonials: Nowadays, bli
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目的:比较脉搏门控与心电门控在颈动脉粥样硬化斑块MRI中的应用.方法:用1.5 T磁共振仪对15位健康志愿者采用心电门控和脉搏门控FSE-DIRT1WI进行颈动脉壁成像,测量和比较两种
The VRDS feedstock processed in refineries along the Yangtze River has special characteristics, including high Fe and Ca content, and low sulfur and high nitrog
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