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当前,各地各部门都在深入学习党的十八届四中全会精神,积极投身全面推进依法治国的伟大实践。古人云:“吏治清则国治,国治而后天下平”。依法治国本质上是依法治权,主要是依法治官。笔者以为,对于各级党员干部特别是领导干部来说,在推进依法治国的伟大进程中,必须积极发挥表率作用,自觉做到明法、守法、弘法,在全社会形成崇尚法律、遵守法律、维护法律的良好风尚。明法,就是要把学习法律知识作为一种内在需要。各级领导干部都必须带头学习和掌握宪法、法律法规和有关政策规定, At present, all localities and departments are studying in depth the spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee and actively participating in the great practice of promoting the rule of law in an all-round way. The ancients said: “Official rule and rule of the country, the country rule and world peace.” Governing the country according to law is essentially the rule of law according to law, which is mainly to rule the government according to law. The author believes that for party members and cadres at all levels, especially leading cadres, in promoting the great course of governing the country according to law, they must actively play an exemplary role and conscientiously accomplish the laws of Ming and Fa, law-abiding and advocating law, and form advocating law and observing laws in the whole society. Maintain the good law of the law. Ming and Fa will want to learn legal knowledge as an inherent need. Leading cadres at all levels must take the lead in studying and mastering the constitution, laws and regulations and relevant policies and regulations,
一、青年学生道德现状今年4—5月,笔者对长沙市1188名中专、大专学生就开展道德建设若干问题,进行问卷或座谈调查。从调查中看到,当前青年学生道德行为呈现如下状况: 1、学
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2014年6月13日,上海市第二中级人民法院开庭审理华强合同诈骗案。年近半百的华强戴着手铐,高大壮实却弯腰驼背,又圆又大的脑袋半秃,他穿着橘红色的马夹套着短袖绿色圆领衫,马夹上有“嘉定区看守所”几个大字。在两名法警的带领下,他大踏步地走进法庭盯住审判长,未经提问,就中气十足地辩解:“我几次卖房子都是合法的,我的房子应该卖给第三家。”  庭审中,针对如此混乱逻辑,端坐在检察员席上的许莉莉一针见血地说
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therapies for atrial tachyarrhythmias(ATs) by measuring the cumulative time(burden) the patient spends in arrhythmia. Contradictory results questioned either th