
来源 :中国误诊学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangchengwang0
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我院2003/2006年对28例使用盖诺化疗患者采用硫酸镁冰敷加地塞米松局部湿敷,预防静脉炎,取得了满意的效果,现总结如下。1 对象和方法 1.1 对象 54例患者治疗组28例,对照组26例。治疗组:男16例,女12例,肺癌21例,乳腺癌7例;对照组:男14例,女12例,肺癌18例,乳腺癌8例;化疗均采用盖诺加卡铂或顺铂。
In 1989, there were 12 different building ma-terial products winning state awards for theirgood quality, among which two got gold medals andten got silver medal
In this research it was shown that mineral surface metal-lic sites played a decisive role in carborymethyl cellulose(CMC) adsorp-tion, and surface hydrophobicit
目的:观察两种人用Vevro细胞狂犬病疫苗接种后不良反应发生情况。方法:选择暴露后到预防门诊接种人用Vevro细胞狂犬病疫苗的人群2 826例,实验组1 413例注射深圳赛诺菲巴斯德生
In this paper,the authors used the MixedCoordination EXAFS Analysis Method recentlypublished and IR to study the mixed coordination ofGe in glasses of Li<sub>2<
This paper introduces the synthesis of CoCl<sub>2</sub>-FeCl<sub>3</sub>, ternarygraphite intercalation compounds (GIC) by fused-salt process, determinesand analy
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我国西南部高原地区 ,由于地貌独特 ,丰富的自然流水资源 ,有大量的稻田可开展流水养鱼。为了充分利用水资源和稻田资源 ,推广稻田微流水养鱼新技术 ,1998~1999年西南农业大学与石阡县