
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(胃肠病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shuibizi
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Background: Pancreatitis is the most common major complication of diagnostic a nd therapeutic ERCP. Allopurinol,a xanthine oxidase inhibitor that blocks genera tion of oxygen-derived free radicals, potentially may prevent post-ERCP pancre atitis. This study assessed the efficacy of high-dose oral allopurinol for prev ention of post-ERCP pancreatitis. Methods:A prospective, double-blind, placebo -controlled trial was conducted in 250 patients undergoing ERCP. Patients were randomized to receive allopurinol (600 mg) or placebo orally at 15 and 3 hours b efore the procedure. Patients were clinically evaluated, and serum amylase level s were determined before ERCP and at 6 and 24 hours thereafter. Standardized cri teria were used to diagnose and to grade the severity of post-ERCP pancreatitis . Results: A total of 243 patients were included in the analysis. The two groups were similar with regard to age;gender; underlying disease; indication for trea tment; ERCP findings; and type of treatment, except for biliary sphincterotomy.O nly 43 patients in the allopurinol group underwent biliary sphincterotomy vs. 87 in the placebo group (p< 0.001).The frequency of acute pancreatitis was signifi cantly lower in the allopurinol vs. the placebo group in the final multinomial r egression analysis: allopurinol group, 4/125 (3.2%), with all 4 cases graded as mild, vs. placebo group, 21/118 (17.8%),of which 8/118 (6.8%) were graded as mild, 11/118 (9.3%) as moderate, and 2/118 (1.6%) as severe with fatal outcome (p< 0.001). The protective effect of allopurinol was also apparent in the diagn ostic ERCP and the biliary sphincterotomy subgroups when the frequency of post- ERCP pancreatitis was analyzed after stratification by procedure. The mean durat ion of hospitalization for pancreatitis was significantly shorter in the allopur inol compared with the placebo group (2.5 vs. 5.67 days;p < 0.001). Conclusions: Pretreatment with high-dose, orally administered allopurinol decreases the fre quency of post-ERCP pancreatitis. Despite the promising results of this prospec tive,randomized trial, further studies are needed to verify these observations b efore allopurinol can be recommended for routine clinical use. Background: Pancreatitis is the most common major complication of diagnostic a nd therapeutic ERCP. Allopurinol, a xanthine oxidase inhibitor that blocks genera tion of oxygen-derived free radicals, potentially may prevent post-ERCP pancre atitis. This study assessed the efficacy of high- dose oral allopurinol for prev ention of post-ERCP pancreatitis. Methods: A prospective, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial was conducted in 250 patients undergoing ERCP. Patients were randomized to receive allopurinol (600 mg) or placebo orally at 15 and 3 hours b efore the procedure. Patients were clinically evaluated, and serum amylase levels were determined before ERCP and at 6 and 24 hours thereafter. Standardized cri teria were used to diagnose and to grade the severity of post-ERCP pancreatitis. Results: A total of 243 patients were included in the analysis. The two groups were similar with regard to age; gender; underlying disease; indication for trea tment; ERCP findings; and type of treat ment, except for biliary sphincterotomy. Of 43 patients in the allopurinol group underwent biliary sphincterotomy vs. 87 in the placebo group (p <0.001). The frequency of acute pancreatitis was signifi cantly lower in the allopurinol vs. the placebo group in the final multinomial r egression analysis: allopurinol group, 4/125 (3.2%), with all 4 cases graded as mild, vs. placebo group, 21/118 (17.8%), of which 8/118 (6.8%) were graded as mild, 11/118 (9.3%) as moderate, and 2/118 (1.6%) as severe with fatal outcome (p <0.001). The protective effect of allopurinol was also apparent in the diagnostic ERCP and the biliary sphincterotomy subgroups when the frequency of post-ERCP pancreatitis was analyzed after stratification by procedure. The mean durat ion of hospitalization for pancreatitis was significantly shorter in the allopur inol compared with the placebo group (2.5 vs. 5.67 days; p <0.001). Conclusions: Pretreatment with high-dose, orally administered allopurinol decreases the frDespite the promising results of this prospecive tive, randomized trial, further studies are needed to verify these observations b efore allopurinol can be recommended for routine clinical use.
无人“鱼窝”    60年代中期。米高扬设计局和喀山运动航空设计局(隶属于喀山航空研究院)利用退役的米格-21PF战斗机改造了几种无人遥控靶机。  把米格-21改造成遥控无人靶机,首先是拆除机载雷达和弹射座椅,雷达拆除后要换上相应的配重,以保持飞机重心位置不变。原来安装弹射座椅的位置现在则要安装遥控控制系统以及和各操纵面相连的操纵机构装置。通过从地面或者携带特种装备的飞机发射无线电信号,可以实现对
目的 :探讨二期梅毒皮疹的形成机制和细胞免疫在梅毒皮疹形成中的作用。方法 :用巢式PCR方法对2 4例 10 %甲醛溶液固定、石蜡包埋的二期梅毒疹标本进行了梅毒螺旋体DNA检测 ;
人生不可能经历世间所有的繁华和热闹,也不可能遭受所有的凋敝和落寞。每个人的经历都不一样,但都不可避免地会遭遇人生的困境,或是身体的残疾,或是事业的低谷,或是家庭的变故。用什么样的心态去面对困境,用什么样的智慧去破解困境——这些都决定并影响着你的人生。  应对困境时,坚强和行动,是治愈恐惧的良药;犹豫和消沉,则是滋养恐惧的温床。每个人都有潜在的能力,只是很容易被习惯掩盖,被时间迷离,被惰性消磨。困境
误区一:强制排毒 经常便秘,惧怕体内毒素堆积而对肠道进行彻底清洗,一进成为时尚。结 Misunderstanding 1: Forced detoxification often constipation, fear of accumulation