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本学期,我担任五年级英语的教学工作,对于高年级英语教学活动中的评价实施也在积极的探索中。为此,我在课堂活动中进行了尝试,取得的效果也是非常明显的。一、规范有效的评价内容高年级基于课程标准的教学与评价首先要从制定符合课标的单元目标和分课时目标开始,目标的表述要清晰,这样才能规范教师的教学行为。单元中具体的评价设计要关注教材,更要关注学生,评价的主题要和学生息息相关,这样才能引发学生思考和情感上的共鸣。 This semester, I served as a fifth grade English teaching work, for senior grade English teaching activities in the implementation of the evaluation is also actively exploring. To this end, I tried in class activities, the effect is also very obvious. First, the normative and effective content of evaluation The higher grade teaching and evaluation based on curriculum standards should first start from the development of the unit in line with the standard unit goals and objectives of the class, the target should be clear, so as to standardize the teaching of teachers. Specific evaluation of the unit design should pay attention to the textbook, but also to pay attention to students, evaluation of the subject and students are closely related, so as to trigger student thinking and emotional resonance.
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【摘要】本文从建构主义角度出发,以黄冈师范学院外国语学院学生的英语拓展能力活动为例,得出新形势下英语教师是课外活动的指导者、组织者、促进者的主要职能。  【关键词】建构主义 拓展能力活动 教师职能  《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》(2000年修订)指出: “高等学校英语专业培养具有扎实的英语语言基础和广博的文化知识并能熟练地运用英语在外事、教育、经贸、文化、科技、军事等部门从事翻译、教学、管理、
目的 探讨靶向组织因子(TF)的人源化抗体对结肠癌细胞杀伤和迁移作用.方法 体外培养人源化TF抗体高表达CHO-5G4.1细胞,经蛋白A(Protein A)和凝胶层析柱纯化,利用毛细管SDS-PA