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两个月来受到媒体广泛关注、并一度变得神秘莫测的“首届中国互联网站拍卖会”终于有了结果。9月29日下午,比原规定时间提前两个小时开始的拍卖会在持续了50分钟后结束。首届互联网站拍卖会最终成交了一个网站和一个域名,成交金额1500.5万元。 在互联网风声鹤唳的当日举办的这次“拍卖会”,有许多理由使它成为了各媒体关注的焦点。因为触动了网站购并与重组以及涉及外商进入的几根敏感的弦儿,在活动开始时还担心媒体关注不够的组委会到了后来对于任何消息的透露都显得谨慎小心了起来,而对记者们也变得防范有加,拍卖会当天现场更是不允许记者进场。在拍卖会结束的第二天,即9月30日上午,在由本次拍卖会的组织者召开的媒体见面会上,关于拍卖会的一切问题终于有了下文。 The first “China Internet Website Auction”, which attracted widespread media attention in two months and was once mysterious, finally came to fruition. On the afternoon of September 29, the auction, which started two hours earlier than originally stipulated, lasted 50 minutes. The first Internet auction finally sold a website and a domain name, the amount of 15,500,000 yuan turnover. There are many reasons for this “auction” to be held on the day of the internet making it the focus of every media. Because of the touch of the site acquisition and reorganization and the involvement of foreign investors into a few sensitive string children, at the beginning of the event also worried about the media attention is not enough for the organizing committee arrived later for any disclosure of information have been cautious up, but to reporters Have also become precautionary, the auction site that day is not allowed to reporters. On the second day after the auction ended, the morning of September 30, at the press conference to be held by the organizers of this auction, everything about the auction finally came down.
《财会月刊》作为全国中文核心期刊、全国优秀经济期刊,多年来一直把社会效益放在首位,竭诚为广大作者服务,为广大读者服务,为会计学术研究的 As the national core journal
我院自 1999年 3月至 2 0 0 3年 4月对 5 2例以癫为主要症状的颅内肿瘤患者进行了手术治疗 ,切除肿瘤的同时 ,在皮层电图 (ECoG)监测下找出癫灶并切除或毁损致灶 ,取得
A calculation formula on spherical pattern of Qinghai-Tibet plateau moving model is established, Tibet massif moves norward by east in speed of 28 mm/a, Ganshu-
网站不能承受之重 作为电子商务公司与服务对象之间的界面,网站得到了所有电子商务公司异乎寻常的重视。如果把一个电子商务公司直接和间接用到网站上的投入算起来,至少要超