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1971年12月30日,刚担任总理12天的佐勒菲卡尔·阿里·布托接替叶海亚·汗出任巴基斯坦总统和军法管制首席执行官。执政不到1月,布托便于1972年1月12日开始实施前后持续五年之久的工业国有化政策。一、工业国有化的背景佐·阿·布托受命于国家一分为二、巴基斯坦存亡绝续之时,他的政府面临内政、外交、政治、军事、经济、社会等许多重大而又急待解决的问题。为什么他首先抓经济问题呢?因为他认为经济问题比民主问题更为重要,“我相信,没有经济体制的改革,就不可能推动国家去实行宪法和民主,我们认为经济体制才是基本的问题”。道理是十分简单的:“你在饥饿时,你不可能把宪法当饭吃;你没有钱买药吋,也不能把宪法当药吃。”为什么在抓经济体制这个基本问题时又从工业国有化和发展公营部门经济入手呢?这要从60年代末期到70 On December 30, 1971, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, who had just held the position of Prime Minister for 12 days, succeeded Yahya Khan as the President of Pakistan and Chief of Army Control. In less than January, Bhutto facilitated industrial nationalization policies that lasted for five years before and after January 12, 1972. First, the background of the nationalization of the industry Zuo A · Boutuo under the command of the country divided into two, the survival of Pakistan is not dead, his government is facing many major and urgent internal affairs, diplomacy, politics, military, economic and social solved problem. Why did he first pay attention to the economic issue? Because he thinks the economic issue is more important than the democratic issue, “I believe that without the reform of the economic system, it is impossible to promote the country to implement the constitution and democracy. We think that the economic system is the basic issue ”. The reason is quite simple: “When you are hungry, you can not eat the constitution. If you do not have the money to buy medicine, you can not take the constitution as a medicine.” Why do we take the time from the industrial state To start with and to develop the economy in the public sector, from the late 1960s to the early 1970s
曲轴磨削加工自动线在1960年之前已先后在美国、英国、西德、法国和日本等国家汽车厂采用。如1955年左右,美国诺顿(Norton)公司(该公司1972年已并入美国瓦诺·斯瓦塞 Crank