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《中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法》(以下简称新消法)于1993年颁布,历经二十载,于2013年完成首次修改。在此期间,“随着经济社会不断发展,我国消费方式、消费结构和消费理念发生很大变化,在消费者权益保护领域出现了不少新情况新问题”②。如网络购物兴起并成为重要的交易渠道、金融消费者群体不断壮大、消费者的个人信息屡遭泄露、部分垄断行业霸王条款饱受诟病等,都需要在立法层面予以关注或规制。针对上述情况,新消法充实细化了消费者权益的规定,强化了经营者的义务和责任,并突出了保护个人信息、规范网络购物、严控格式条款、重拳打击欺诈等亮点。 The Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Consumers (hereinafter referred to as the New Consumer Law) was promulgated in 1993 and was first revised in 2013 after 20 years. In the meantime, “With the continuous development of economy and society, great changes have taken place in China’s consumption patterns, consumption structure and consumption concept, and many new and emerging problems have emerged in the field of consumer protection.” Such as the rise of online shopping and become an important trading channel, the financial consumer groups continue to grow, consumers have repeatedly leaked personal information, some of the monopoly terms of the industry tycoons have been criticized, etc., need to be concerned about or regulated at the legislative level. In response to the above, the new law enriched the provisions of the rights and interests of consumers, strengthen the operator’s obligations and responsibilities, and highlighted the protection of personal information, regulate online shopping, strict control of format terms, heavy blow to fraud and other highlights.
1 Background Taxonomy is the branch of science dedicated to discovering,characterizing,naming,and classifying objects or organisms so as to understand relations
本文提出了既简便又能满足工程设计要求的开有矩形或圆形较大孔洞的钢筋混凝土梁承载力的近似计算方法,可供工程设计参考。 This paper presents an approximate calculation
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本文提出了一种理论性较强、适用于普通钢筋混凝土梁及部分预应力混凝土梁开裂后刚度的统一计算模式。对所建议的计算公式用大量模型梁试验数据进行了验证。 This paper pro