
来源 :浙江医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:plateau_t
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患者女,40岁.因恶心、呕吐、乏力,眼白、皮肤深黄,于1992年8月1日以“亚急性重症病毒性肝炎”入院.半月前无明显诱因出现水样腹泻,5~6次/d,件恶心、呕吐,无腹痛、发热,服“止泻药”无效.1周前出现眼白发黄,并进行性加深,仍有呕吐,且多汗、乏力、消瘦.当地医院疑为肝炎,护肝治疗无好转,遂转人我院.3年前患“甲亢”,服西药治疗1月余,症状改善,改服中药治疗半年.无肝炎史,无药物过敏史.体检;消瘦.巩膜深度黄染,未见肝掌、蜘蛛痣,双眼有神,上眼睑挛缩,双手细震颤,舌尖震颤,两侧甲状腺颈前Ⅱ度弥漫性肿大,未及结节,颈根部明显变粗,右侧甲状腺下极可闻血管杂音,心率98次/分,律齐,无杂音,两肺听诊正常,腹平软,肝肋下1.5cm,边缘锐,轻压病.两下肢无水肿.血、尿、粪常规正常;肝功能:血清总胆红素 Female patient, age 40, was admitted to hospital on August 1, 1992 due to nausea, vomiting, weakness, white eyes, dark skin, and had water-induced diarrhea 5 to 6 months without obvious predisposition Times / d, a piece of nausea, vomiting, no abdominal pain, fever, taking “antidiarrheal drug” invalid .1 weeks ago appeared white yellow, and progressive deepened, still vomiting, and sweating, fatigue, weight loss. Hepatitis, liver protection without improvement, then transferred to our hospital .3 years ago suffering from “hyperthyroidism”, taking western medicine for more than 1 month, the symptoms improved, change service for six months .Hyperthyroidism, no history of drug allergy. Physical examination; weight loss The scleral depth of yellow dye, no liver palms, spider nevus, eyes with God, upper eyelid contracture, his hands fine tremor, tongue tremor, both sides of the thyroid anterior second degree of diffuse enlargement, no nodules, neck significantly changed Rough, the right side of the thyroid gland very vocal murmur, heart rate 98 beats / min, law Qi, no noise, normal auscultation of both lungs, abdominal soft, liver ribs 1.5cm, sharp edge, mild pressure disease. Blood, urine, normal feces; liver function: serum total bilirubin
由我公司生产制造的中国单机容量最大的灯泡贯流式水轮发电机组——广西桥巩水电站57MW机组于7月27日完成了连续72h试运行,顺利投产。 The 57MW generating unit of Guangxi
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Water, the source of life, is of great concern to the people of the 21st century, who face growing problems related to population, natural resources, and enviro