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这世间,有多少人,就有多少个不同的月亮。在外祖母眼中,月亮就是嫦娥奔月那个不老的传说。在作家朱自清眼中,他的月亮就是荷塘那抹淡淡的清辉……一年之中,当属中秋时节的月亮分外皎洁,天空中的一轮明月,自古至今牵动了多少文人墨客的诗情,或吟咏,或怅惘,或感怀,用月光下酒,抱月长叹,枕月安眠。与明月对饮之人,当然是李白。他在《月下独酌》里说:花间一壶酒,独酌无相亲。举杯邀明月,对影成三人。只有李白这样的大诗人才会纵情至此,分明是寂寞的月下独饮,却被诗人想象成与月对酌,洒脱狂放,才情纵横。诗人杜甫的月亮挂在战争与离乱的天空。我常常想象,杜甫的月光一定是清冷 How many people in this world, how many different moon. In the eyes of the grandmother, the moon is the old legend of Chang’e to the moon. In the eyes of the author Zhu Ziqing, his moon is the lotus pond that light faint Qinghui ...... During the year, when the moon is particularly bright Mid-Autumn Festival, the moon in the sky, since ancient times how many literati touched the poetic , Or chant, or melancholy, or feeling, with the moonlight wine, hold the moon sigh, sleep on the pillow. People who drink with the moon, of course, are Li Bai. He said in the “under the moonlight alone,” said: spend a pot of wine, independent blind date. Toast to the moon, the film into three. Only a big poet such as Li Bai will indulge this point, clearly lonely moonlight solo, but the poet imagined as a month with the discretion, free and easy wild, vertical and horizontal talent. The moon of poet Du Fu hangs in the sky of war and turmoil. I often imagine that Du Fu’s moonlight must be cool
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