Changes of Plasma Levels of Brain Natriuretic Peptide in Patients With Chronic Heart Failure before

来源 :South China Journal of Cardiology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lightingguo
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To investigate the changes of plasma brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) concentrations in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF) before and after carvedilol treatment. Methods Plasma BNP concentrations of patients with CHF (n=56) before and after carvedilol treatment and of normal controls (n=60) were measured with specific radioimmunoassay. Left ventricular ejection fraction of patients with CHF before and after carvedilol was measured with 99mTc gated cardiac blood pool scintigraphy. Results The results showed that plasma BNP concentrations of patients with CHF were significantly higher than that of normal controls [(222.65±78.52) ng·L-1 vs. (38.82±15.31) ng·L-1, P<0.01]. Plasma BNP concentrations had a significant negative correlation with left ventricular ejection fractions (r=-0.68,P<0.01). After three months treatment of carvedilol, plasma BNP concentrations fell to (79.65±69.52) ng·L-1(P<0.01), left ventricular ejection fractions increase from 34.41%±4.54% to 46.51%±5.38%(P<0.01). Conclusions These results indicate that plasma BNP concentrations are increased in patients with CHF, and markedly increased according to the severity of heart failure classified by NYHA classification. Carvedilol can markedly decrease plasma BNP concentrations and improve left ventricular function in patients with CHD. To investigate the changes of plasma brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) concentrations in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF) before and after carvedilol treatment. Methods Plasma BNP concentrations of patients with CHF (n = 56) before and after carvedilol treatment and of normal controls (n = 60) were measured with specific radioimmunoassay. Left ventricular ejection fraction of patients with CHF before and after carvedilol was measured with 99mTc gated cardiac blood pool scintigraphy. Results The results showed that plasma BNP concentrations of patients with CHF were significantly higher than that of normal controls [(222.65 ± 78.52) ng · L -1 vs. (38.82 ± 15.31) ng · L -1, P <0.01]. Plasma BNP levels had a significant negative correlation with left ventricular ejection fractions (r = -0.68 , P <0.01). After three months treatment of carvedilol, plasma BNP concentrations fell to (79.65 ± 69.52) ng · L -1 (P <0.01), left ventricular ejection fractions increased from 34.41% ± 4.54% to 46.51% ± 5.38 % (P <0.01). Conclusions These results that that plasma BNP concentrations are increased in patients with CHF, and markedly increased according to the severity of heart failure classified by NYHA classification. Carvedilol can markedly decreased plasma BNP concentrations and improve left ventricular function in patients with CHD.
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<正> 0 引言0.1 关于隐现句,语法学界已经进行了比较深入的研究,取得了不少的成果。隐现句的主要特点是:结构上由"处所词/方位词组+动词+无定名词"组成,表示某处出现或消失了某人或某物。(参看朱德熙1982,115页;李临定1986,92页;宋玉柱1987,192页)例如:(1)南面来了一个老头。(2)东隔壁店里,午后走了一帮客。(3)山坡上长出了嫩嫩的绿草。0.2 本文要讨论的句型与隐现句的特点基本一致,结构上也是由"处所词/方位词组+动词+数量名词组"组成,但表示的是某个物体上出现了