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1880年后,法国积极筹划武力侵占越南北部。1883年法军攻陷顺化,又集中力量进犯北圻,目标指向中国。中法战争迫在眉睫。在对待法国侵略的问题上,清政府内部出现了主和派与主战派的分歧。主和派以李鸿章为代表,主张妥协让步;主战派以左宗棠、曾纪泽为代表,主张抗法援越。近从清代军机处旧档中,得见左宗棠致军机处《时务说帖》一封,具文时间为光绪十年(1884年)五月。该年四月二十四日,左宗棠“著即遵旨来京陛见”,被迫交卸两江总督。他在进京途中,闻李鸿章与法国人福禄诺(档案错写成“诸”)在天津订立《中法简明条约》之后,遂左宗棠写了此帖。全帖凡二千余字,是一篇表述了左宗棠力陈抗法、反对和议的珍贵文献。故撮其要点,介绍如下:一、反对《中法简明条约》中“中国宜许以毗连越南北圻之边界……”,认为越南北圻是清“镇粤 After 1880, France actively planned the military occupation of northern Vietnam. In 1883, the French army captured Hue and concentrated its efforts on Beibei, targeting China. China-France war is imminent. In dealing with the French aggression, there were differences of dissent between the main army and the main war camp within the Qing government. The main body and the assembly represented by Li Hung-chang advocated compromise and concession. The main battle group represented by Zuo Zongtang and Zeng Ji-Ze, advocating anti-France aid and Vietnam. Nearly from the military file at the Qing dynasty old files, we can see Zuo Zongtang to the military office at the time said that a post, with written time for the ten years Guangxu (1884) in May. On April 24 of that year, Zuo Zongtang was “obeying the principle of seeing Beijing through imperialism” and was forced to hand over the governor of the two rivers. When he was on his way to Beijing, he was informed by Zuo Zongtang of Li Zongtang after he had read about Li Hung-chang and the Frenchman Phuroro (the file was mistyped as “Zhu”) after concluding the “Sino-French Concise Treaty” in Tianjin. All posts where more than 2000 words, is an expression of Zuo Zongtang Chen anti-law, opposition and the proposal of the precious literature. Therefore, the main points are summarized as follows: I. Objection to the “Sino-French Concise Treaty” in which “China should allow to adjoin the borders of Beibei of Vietnam ...”, that is, Beibei of Vietnam is a "town of Guangdong
我科于1985年12月—1987年2月收治脑出血78例,均经 CT 检查证实,其中5例为丘脑出血,占脑出血的6.4%,现报导如下。病历摘要例1、男,59岁,工人,因突然右侧肢体麻木、无力伴头