Controls of interactions between iron hydroxide colloid and water on REE fractionations in surface w

来源 :Science in China(Series D:Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guilinzd
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The influence of pH on the partitioning behavior of REE at the water/particulate interface has been studied experimentally. At the beginning of colloid formation the adsorption of REE on iron hydroxide colloids is dominant, followed by REE desorption. Finally adsorption and desorption tend to reach equilibration. The capability of iron hydroxide colloids to adsorb the HREE is greater than that to adsorb the LREE. With increasing pH, LREE/HREE fractionations will take place between iron hydroxide colloids and water, leading to the reduction of their partition coefficient ratio (DLREE/DHREE). The DREE distribution patterns show Y anomalies (DrDHo <1), with obvious REE tetrad effects appearing under low pH conditions. Experimental results have shown that there do exist REE tetrad effects in nature. In addition to pH, the chemical type of surface water and ion intensity are also the important factors controlling REE tetrad effects and leading to fractionations between particulate-adsorbed REE and dissolved R The influence of pH on the partitioning behavior of REE at the water / particulate interface has been studied experimentally. At the beginning of colloid formation the adsorption of REE on iron hydroxide colloids is dominant, followed by REE desorption. Finally adsorption and desorption tend to reach Equilibration. The capability of iron hydroxide colloids to adsorb the HREE is greater than that of adsorb the LREE. With increasing pH, LREE / HREE fractionations will take place between iron hydroxide colloids and water, leading to the reduction of their partition coefficient ratio (DLREE / DHREE). The DREE distribution patterns show anomalies (DrDHo <1) with obvious REE tetrad effects appearing under low pH conditions. Experimental results have shown that there is do REE tetrad effects in nature. In addition to pH, the chemical type of surface water and ion intensity are also the important factors controlling REE tetrad effects and leading to fractionations between particulate-adsorbed REE and dissolved R
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题 目 作者期湖北北大别镁铁一超镁铁质侵入体的时代:锆石u.Ph,sm.Nd和。。Ar/”Ar定年结果……·王江海邓尚贤 1华北桑干地区大规模麻粒岩相变质作用的时代:锆石u.Pb年代学
由中国石油勘探与生产分公司主办 ,大庆油田测试技术服务分公司承办的油田开发测井新技术应用研讨会于 2 0 0 1年 12月 16~18日在北海举行。这次会议是继 2 0 0 0年昆明动态监