
来源 :改革与战略 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bbatdead
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我国长期以来重需求侧而轻供给侧的宏观调控政策虽然短期内刺激经济快速增长,但也带来了严重的产能过剩等问题,制约了我国经济的转型升级。文章以供给侧改革为背景,从要素市场供给侧出发,研究了要素市场扭曲对产能过剩的作用机制,认为要素市场扭曲而引致的企业投资决策扭曲和企业退出决策扭曲,是导致产能过剩的主要原因。基于要素市场供给侧改革视角,纠正要素市场扭曲,化解产能过剩问题重点在于:逐步消除导致要素市场扭曲的内在动力源;逐步转变我国城乡二元结构的土地治理方式,促进工业用地的价格真实反映土地市场价值;积极推进各种资源型产品的价格、税收、财政的联动改革;进一步规范环保标准,从根本上杜绝企业内部成本外部化。 Although China’s long-term macro-control policy on the more-demand side and the light-supply side has stimulated rapid economic growth in the short term, it has also brought about such serious problems as overcapacity and hindered the transformation and upgrading of China’s economy. In the context of supply-side reform, starting from the supply side of factor markets, this paper studies the mechanism of factor market distorting overcapacity, and concludes that distorting investment decisions and distorting decisions caused by factor market distortions are the major causes of overcapacity the reason. Based on the supply-side reform of the factor market, the key points of correcting the market distortion and dissolving the overcapacity in key factors are: gradually eliminating the inherent source of power that distorts the factor market; and gradually transforming the governance of land in the dual structure of urban and rural areas in our country to promote the true reflection of the price of industrial land Land market value; actively promote the price of various resource-based products, taxation, financial linkage reform; further standardize environmental standards, and fundamentally eliminate the internal cost of internalization.
超过一成儿童性早熟,这并不是危言耸听。日前,浙江省儿童医院“儿童生长发育家长学校”讲座现场,著名内分泌专家梁黎介绍,很多只有八九岁的女孩就出现月 More than 10% of c
【摘要】本文通过混龄班幼儿的合作案例,分析同伴混龄合作中幼儿的心理理论发展水平,发现幼儿的合作策略主要有强制性策略、一般性策略、亲社会性策略,幼儿的合作水平主要有意向性合作、自发性协同、适应性协同和组织化协同。研究者据此提出相关建议。  【关键词】混龄班;同伴合作;心理理论  【中图分类号】G610 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1004-4604(2021)03-0028-05  合作行为是指两