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来源 :中学生英语(高中版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cchongzi
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A man is flying in a hot air balloon andrealizes he is lost.He reduces his altitude(高度) and spots a man down below.He lowersthe balloon further and shouts: “Excuse me,can you tell me where I am?” A man is flying in a hot air balloon and realizes he is lost.He reduces his altitude (height) and spots a man down below.He lowers the balloon further and shouts: “Excuse me,can you tell me where I am?”
一片片花瓣漫无目的地坠落在地,它们姿态万千,妩媚的不知是飘起还是沉浮。它们惟一想说的是春天已经过去,忘了吧,那曾经美好的瞬间…… A piece of petal fell to the grou
The Americans and the Japanese decided toengage in a competitive boat race. Both teamspracticed hard and longed(渴望)to reach theirpeak performance. The Ameri
There is a red flower in a garden.Notfar from the flower,there is some grass.Theflower looks very beautiful and smellsfragrant.So she thinks that she is the mo
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The plane was rumbling and ready to take flight.Istared purposel essly into the empty sky.That’s where I’llbe for the next day or so,high above the earth,awa
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