Label-free fluorescent strategy for sensitive detection of tetracycline based on triple-helix molecu

来源 :Chinese Chemical Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xy_lfr
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In this assay, a label-free fluorescent sensing platform based on triple-helix molecular switch(THMS) and G-quadruplex was developed for the detection of tetracycline. We demonstrated this approach by using THMS, which consists of a central section with a shortened 8-mer aptamer sequence with high affinity to tetracycline and flanked by two arm segments. G-rich oligonucleotide can specifically bind to thioflavin T(Th T) as a signal transduction probe(STP). In the absence of tetracycline, THMS remains stable, the fluorescence of background is low. By the addition of target tetracycline, the aptamer-target binding results in the formation of a structured aptamer-target complex, which disassembles the THMS and releases the STP. The free STP self-assembles into G-quadruplex and specifically binds to Th T which generates a obvious fluorescence enhancement. Using the triple-helix molecular switch, the developed aptamer-based fluorescent sensing platform showed a linear relationship with the concentration of tetracycline ranging from 0.2 to 20.0 nmol/L. The detection limit of tetracycline was determined to be970.0 pmol/L. The assay avoids complicated modifications or chemical labeling, making it simple and cost-effective. So, it is expected that this aptamer-based fluorescent assay could be extensively applied in the field of food safety inspection. In this assay, a label-free fluorescent sensing platform based on triple-helix molecular switch (THMS) and G-quadruplex was developed for the detection of tetracycline. We demonstrated this approach by using THMS, which consists of a central section with a shortened 8-mer aptamer sequence with high affinity to tetracycline and flanked by two arm segments. G-rich oligonucleotide specifically bind to thioflavin T (Th T) as a signal transduction probe (STP). In the absence of tetracycline, THMS remains stable, the fluorescence of background is low. By the addition of target tetracycline, the aptamer-target binding results in the formation of a structured aptamer-target complex, which disassembles the THMS and releases the STP. The free STP self-assembles into G-quadruplex and specifically binds to Th T which produces a significant fluorescence enhancement. Using the triple-helix molecular switch, the developed aptamer-based fluorescent sensing platform showed a linear relationship with the concentration of tetracycline ranging from 0.2 to 20.0 nmol / L. The detection limit of tetracycline was determined to be 970.0 pmol / L. The assay avoids complicated modifications or chemical labeling, making it simple and cost-effective. So, it is expected that this aptamer-based fluorescent assay could be extensively applied in the field of food safety inspection.
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在语文学习中挖掘、发现、提升学生的成长需要从以下几个途径展开,一是对准心弦,触摸成长起点;二是绘制蓝图,规划成长路径;三是落实课堂,转化成长需要。 In the study of Ch
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