Development status and trends of new energy vehicles

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  Abstract:The heavy use of fuel vehicles not only exacerbates the shortage of domestic oil resources, but also emits a lot of harmful substances that will further deteriorate the environment and exacerbate the greenhouse effect. The emergence of new energy vehicles can not only change the energy consumption structure, but also effectively alleviate the environmental pollution problem, which is generally welcomed by the society. This article introduces the power classification, development status and shortcomings of new energy vehicles, and predicts the development trend.
  Keywords: New energy vehicles; Power classification; Development status.
  1 Development status
  1.1 Production and sales show an increasing trend
  In the past ten years, domestic new energy vehicles showed a rapid development trend. However, due to the continuous decline of national subsidy standards for new energy vehicles, the production and sales of new energy vehicles declined slightly in 2019, showing negative growth for the first time. Since 2020, due to the influence of novel coronavirus, the production and sales volume of new energy vehicles in the first four months in China were 205,000 vehicles, which decreased by 44.8% and 43.4% respectively compared with the same period of last year. The National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Science and Technology jointly issued a notice on improving the financial subsidy policy for the promotion and application of new energy vehicles.
  1.2 Charging facilities are constantly improving
  Since the main energy consumption category of new energy vehicles, especially pure electric vehicles, is electricity, in order to facilitate the charging of new energy vehicles, it is necessary to vigorously develop its power output guarantee facility-charging pile. The number and distribution of charging piles will have an important impact on the mileage of new energy vehicles, and to a certain extent determine how far the new energy vehicles can go. In order to promote the sustained and healthy development of domestic charging facilities, the state finance has allocated 4.5 billion yuan of incentive funds in this area. In addition, the country has fully liberalized the market access for infrastructure construction related to new energy vehicles in 2014. By the end of 2019, the number of charging piles installed in China reached 1.219 million, while the number of new energy vehicles was 3.81 million.   1.3 Good development layout
  After years of development, the development layout of “three verticals and three horizontals” has been basically established in the field of new energy vehicles in China. “Three verticals” refer to the synchronous development of pure electric vehicles, hybrid electric vehicles and fuel cell vehicles, and “Three horizontals” refer to the overall progress of powertrain system, drive motor and power battery technology. Great progress has been made in both power batteries and key components.
  2 Shortcomings and trends of development
  2.1 Domestic and foreign companies cooperation is deeper
  Because new energy vehicles involve many core technologies, it is impossible for a single enterprise to take the lead in all its technologies. With the increasing competition in the car market, the strong alliance between car companies has become the general trend. At present, Toyota has signed a cooperation agreement with BYD, Evergrande has reached strategic cooperation with many enterprises including FEV, EDAG and IAV, and the joint venture of Great Wall and BMW Group has officially started.
  2.2 Continue to vigorously develop charging facilities
  Although the ratio of pile to truck basically reaches 3:1 at present, there is still a big gap from the national planning goal of 1:1. According to the prediction of the National Electric Vehicle Council, by 2030, the number of new energy vehicles in China will exceed 80 million, and the current development speed of charging facilities is far from meeting the market demand. Therefore, charging facilities will develop more rapidly in the next decade. In addition, as of June 2019, the top ten provinces with charging piles are mainly concentrated in coastal areas, accounting for 75.3% of the total charging piles in China, and the regional development is extremely uneven.
  2.3 Continuously promote the progress of battery technology
  Among the three new energy vehicles introduced above, pure electric vehicles need not consume conventional fossil fuels, but only electric energy, and there is no environmental pollution, so their development prospects are the best. However, no matter what kind of new energy vehicle, its power battery is an extremely important part, which has a heavy impact on the market value of the whole vehicle To influence. The overall quality of the power battery not only determines the mileage of a car on a single charge, but also greatly affects the cost of the car. Therefore, compared with traditional fuel vehicles, the core technology of pure electric vehicles is power battery. We must vigorously promote the continuous progress of power battery technology. Only in this way can we promote the development of new energy vehicles to a new level.
  3 Conclusion
  In order to effectively solve the problems of oil consumption and CO2 emission of traditional fuel vehicles and reduce environmental pollution, new energy vehicles have achieved rapid development and are gradually replacing traditional fuel vehicles. EU countries have clearly pointed out the timetable for banning the sale of fuel vehicles. In this paper, the power classification, development status, development deficiencies and trends of new energy vehicles are analyzed in detail.
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