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请注册登录《高中生》杂志·高考网《正确使用虚词应注意的问题》汉语中的介词、连词、助词等都属于虚词。除副词能单独充当状语外,其他虚词都不能单独充当句子成分,只能帮助实词造句,表示各种语法关系。因此,高考对虚词的考查,重点在其句法功能。同类虚词都有共性,每个虚词又有它的个性,而且往往不止一种语法意义。因此,虚词的数量虽然不多,但其语法功能比较复杂。又由于一些虚词是由实 Please sign-up to log “high school students” magazine · entrance network “correct use of function words should pay attention to the problem” Chinese prepositions, conjunctions, auxiliary words and so on are all function words. Except that adverbs can act as adverbials alone, other virtual words can not act as a sentence component alone, but only help the real words to make sentences, indicating various grammatical relations. Therefore, the entrance examination of function words, focusing on its syntactic function. Similar function words are common, each function has its own personality, but often more than one kind of grammatical significance. Therefore, although the number of function words is not much, but its grammatical function is more complicated. And because some function words are real
In an internal loop airlift reactor of 55L working volume,the gas-liquid volumetric oxygenmass transfer coefficient k_Lα,gas holdup ε_G and liquid circulation
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