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美国西部有块南北狭长、濒临西太平洋、横贯洛矶山脉的土地,这就是气候温和、物产丰富、有美国“粮仓”之称的加利福尼亚州。她是美利坚建国之初的十三个州之一,即使在今天的五十个州中,其人口超过全美十分之一,经济、文化、政治仍起着“老大”的作用。笔者曾从其南端一个叫花园的市镇出发,穿越今天亚裔密集的繁华城市洛杉矶和名声赫赫的旧金山。漫漫千余里,印象深刻的,莫过于人们热爱大自然,保护良好的生态。正如在这片土地上到处 The western part of the United States has blocks of land that stretches from north to south and is on the verge of the western Pacific and runs through the Rocky Mountains. This is California, a country with mild climate and abundant resources and the United States “Granary”. She was one of the thirteen states in the beginning of the founding of the United States. Even in today’s 50 states, with a population of more than one-tenth of the nation’s population, her economic, cultural and political roles still play a role as a “boss.” The author set out from its southernmost town called Garden through the densely populated Asian cities of Los Angeles today and the prestigious San Francisco. A thousand years long, impressive, than people love nature, protect the good ecology. Just as in this land everywhere
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
GIS技术在水利信息系统中的应用渠系的控制方法评价············……高军(1一1)李欣荃(1一5)水情系统调查数据给全国防汛网建设的启示…… ··········
1 砼原材料品质1.1 水泥大朝山工程砼浇筑使用的水泥为云南滇西水泥厂生产的普硅525#(专供)水泥,经检验,其品质指标如表1. A concrete raw material quality 1.1 cement Da
简介水库汛情,大坝出现裂缝险情,分析裂缝成因,采取的抢险措施,以及由这次事故得到的启示。 Brief introduction Reservoir flood, dam cracks danger, analyze the causes