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直播体育比赛是电视节目的一种制作形式,简单地讲,就是用摄像机拍摄比赛画面,导演在现场切换,加上资料信息的配合(如字幕、计分等),最后凭借传播系统直接展示给观众。它能在时间和空间两方面达到传播过程与事件发生、发展过程的同步,给观众以高度的现场感,具有很强的新闻性转播车——微缩的电视台麻雀虽小,五脏俱全。一辆转播车就是一个小电视台,它由若干台摄像机(包括用于水下、无线背包、微型等特殊用途的摄像机)、音频、视频、字幕、数字特技、慢动作、播出控制台以及微波发射等系统组成,工作人员则大致包括导演、摄像师、录音师、工程师、灯光师、美工师和主持人。节目的整体构想和前后期的各项工作由导演负责。导演在工作布置、人员调配上有不容置疑的权威性,是这个微缩电视台的神经中枢;摄像师是导演意图的最直接体现者,可以称之为导演的左右手,摄像师不仅要按导演的要求提供不同景别、不同角 Live sports competition is a form of production of television programs, simply speaking, is to use the camera to shoot the game screen, the director switch in the field, coupled with the cooperation of information (such as subtitles, scoring, etc.), and finally by means of direct communication system to show Audience It can achieve the synchronization of communication process, event occurrence and development in both time and space. It gives the audience a high sense of presence and has a strong news coverage truck. Although miniaturized TV station sparrows are small and all-pervading. A OBV is a small television station consisting of several cameras (including special-purpose cameras for underwater, wireless backpacks, miniature etc.), audio, video, subtitles, digital effects, slow motion, broadcast console, and microwave Launch and other systems, the staff generally includes the director, cameraman, sound engineer, engineer, lighting division, artist and host. The overall concept of the program and the various tasks before and after the director is responsible for. Director in the layout of the work, personnel deployment has undoubted authority, is the nerve center of this miniature television station; cameraman is the director of the most direct embodiment of the intention, can be called the director of right and left hand, the cameraman not only according to the director’s request Provide different view, different angle
建议政府管制短波收音机编辑同志 :美蒋反动武装虽在中国大陆被彻底消灭 ,但它还梦想死灰复燃 ,还在不断地用各式各样的方法对新中国进行其阴谋破坏活动 ,而其主要方式之一 ,
该文观察了8例13只眼超高度近视LASIK术后残余近视4 ̄18个月后再治疗的效果。发现术后三个月9只眼(69.2℅)达到术前最佳矫正视力;3只眼(23.1℅)丢失最佳矫正视力1 ̄2行;1只眼(7.7℅)出现再次回退至术前水平,但可矫正。