Identical Superdeformed Bands in A=190 and 150 Regions

来源 :Annual Report for China Institute of Atomic Energy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a351200
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A more detailed systematic study of identical bands in the A = 150 and 190 mass regions wasperformed to gain further insight into the occurrence of identical bands with the projected shell model andthe energy factor method. The results show that the number of identical bands in super deformed nuclei ismuch more than that in the normal-deformed nucleus at low spin and this difference may be result from A more detailed article study of identical bands in the A = 150 and 190 mass regions was formed into gain further insight into the occurrence of the same bands with the projected shell model and the energy factor method. The results show that the number of identical bands in super deformed nuclei ismuch more than that in the normal-deformed nucleus at low spin and this difference may be result from
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In this paper,nonlinear resonances of the particle-core taken placed in a space-charge dominatedbeam are suited. Overlapping resonance leads to chaos and halo
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Beam halo-chaos in high-current accelerators has become a key concerned issue because it can cause excessive radioactivity from the accelerators therefore sign