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满足高炮指挥仪通用动态检测仪维修性指标是通过该仪器操作上的防差错设计,结构上的模块化设计等7个方面的内容来保证的;针对维修性指标试验的具体情况和该仪器的故障自动检测定位设计不全面等问题,提出了该仪器在结构设计上采用快速紧固结构的建议。 To meet the requirements of artillery GM dynamic detector maintenance indicators through the operation of the instrument error-proof design, structural modular design, and other seven aspects to ensure that; for the maintenance of indicators of the specific circumstances of the test and the instrument Fault detection and design of automatic positioning problems such as incomplete, put forward the design of the instrument used in the fast fastening structure of the proposal.
筋 名 用 页 用于薄膜技术的多功能高频溅射仪 4 19—一 装有自由旋转尾翼的鸭式导弹的滚动发散 5 14肮天 丁二二厂:二二7二二二二二二二二丁丁
At first, the radar target scattering centers model and MUSIC algorithm are analyzed in this paper. How to efficiently set the parameters of the MUSIC algorithm
The phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase (PI3K)/Akt pathway and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) are involved in neurological functional recovery following cer
本文详细介绍了美国下一代攻击型核潜艇C~3I系统研制,生产和现代化计划,以及C~3I系统以外的EW设备。 This article details the development, production and modernization
据MS&T杂志1997年第四期报道,STNATLAS伙同它的子公司与挪威皇家海军签定一项合同,目的是在卑而根的海军学院设计安装一个先进的导航和舰船操纵模拟器。 1998年12月就投入使