Austen’s viewpoint on marriage in Emma从艾玛一书看奥斯丁的婚姻观

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  Abstract:Austen thinks, marriage is a social arrangement based on property with the requirement that both sides be well-matched in social and economic status. That’s limitation for her time.
  Key words:reasonable lovestatus
  Austen meticulously weaves an illusion that she prefers a marriage based on love. Yet, this love, different from the strong attraction felt between man and woman, is nourished by sense and reason. If directed by will, love will inevitably by ruined. Austen makes great efforts to create gatherings, talks, dances and tea parties where men and women meet. They can take their time to become acquainted with each other before their relation goes any further. The ladies seem to choose their husbands freely, and love them deeply. But indeed the so-called suitors have already been strictly, selected before they ever have a chance of acquaintance with ladies. In fact, a lady must marry a gentleman, and she should never marry out of her own class. In the end, Emma changes her attitude towards Martin. But no matter how noble Martin can be, she still would faint at the very idea of marrying him.
   So, the ideal marriage in Emma indeed is based on reason. In Austen’s time, marriage is not the peak of romance. It is a social arrangement based on property with the requirement that both sides be well-matched in social and economic status. Austen’s viewpoint is the typical product of her time. She stresses that love and marriage are nothing but “reasonable love”, close to respect and esteem. Women lives in a harsh and hostile world, then how can they manage to obtain personal happiness though marriage? They have to be cautious and firm in controlling their feelings. Otherwise, they have to suffer and degenerate pitifully.
  In summary, Austen describes women’s life in a positive way. Her novels dwell on the heroines’ confrontation with the dichotomy of reality and the power of self-delusion. She inquires into the issues concerning women with realistic insights and reveals maladies of the social systems. Yet, her class nature prevents her from public and penetrating rebellion. She still cherishes the illusion that the system itself is not that bad; therefore, it is capable of self-improvement some day.
  [1]Austen,Jane. Emma. London: Penguin 1983.
  [2]Jones, Vivien. Judgement and Irony: Emma. London: Macmillan education ltd.1988.
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又是一年重阳节了,你又错过了这样美好的一年。昨天,我们穿过重重尘埃与阴霾去敬老院的时候,和敬老院的爷爷奶奶聊天的时候,我又很不合时宜却又很合时宜地想起了你。  可是在这之前,我又有多久没有再想过你了,爷爷。  在这些个短暂却又绵延的日子里,我想过我的大学,我的未来,我的朋友,我的爱情,抑或是我喜欢的歌,我看过的电影,我读过的书。可是,唯独没有去想过你,唯独没有想着要去想念你。  现在,静静地坐在这