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1949年春夏之间,中共驻南京外事处主任黄华,与美国驻国民党政权大使司徒雷登,就新中国与美国关系问题,在南京举行过一系列试探性会谈。这是中共中央迁入北平后与美国最早的外交接触。弹指45年过后,国内史学界对1949年中美南京会谈过程和内容虽有所披露,但会谈双方的动机和目标是什么?会谈何以未果?谁应对会谈失败负责?所有这些问题,在世人心中均成为不解之谜,需要逐一探索。 Between the spring and summer of 1949, Huang Hua, director of the Nanjing Foreign Affairs Office and the United States ambassador to the Kuomintang regime Stuart, held a series of exploratory talks in Nanjing on the issue of the relations between the new China and the United States. This is the earliest diplomatic contact with the United States after the CPC Central Committee moved to Peiping. After 45 years of history, the domestic historians have disclosed the process and contents of the 1949 Nanjing talks in Nanjing. But what are the motives and goals of the two sides? What is the failure of the talks? Who should be responsible for the failure of the talks? All these issues are in the hearts of the world Have become puzzles, you need to explore one by one.
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做笔录被“反杀”  干警察这行,一定要不断加强业务培训,不断提高自己的知识水平,增加知识储备,还要沉得下心,冷静观察,把握你所面对的群体心理,说话不要说太满,别把话说死,一定要谨小慎微,说话严谨,显得你老练,否则会被别人牵着鼻子走,丧失了自己的主动权,将会……  哎呀,编不下去了,实话说了吧。  我前两天被做笔录的一个阿姨给“反杀”了,太丢人了。我让阿姨描述一下对方的特征,当时的对话场景是这样的:
人类对传统人工墙体建筑材料——砖,已使用了几千年。到本世纪初,随着科学技术的进步和工业的发展,一些国家相继研制和使用了新型墙体材料。我国由五十年代中 Humans have