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农村九年义务教育阶段的音乐教育,虽然新课标里面也提出了要求,但由于受到师资条件、教学设备等方面的限制,特别是由于应试教育的影响,原本幼儿园最多、最普及的音乐学习,到了小学就逐年递减,到了初中,很多学校根本就把音乐课停了。虽然高中阶段的音乐教育实行的是学分制和推行模块学习,在一定意义上推进了音乐教 The nine-year compulsory education in rural areas of music education, although the new curriculum standards which also made the request, but due to teacher conditions, teaching equipment and other restrictions, especially because of the impact of exam-oriented education, the original kindergarten most and most popular music learning , To the primary school decreased year by year, to the junior high school, many schools simply stopped the music class. Although high school music education is implemented credit system and the implementation of module learning, in a certain sense, promoted the teaching of music
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研究结果表明,不同的小麦品种(系)蚜虫发生的高峰期不同,蚜虫的发生量有较大差异。抗蚜的品种有79201、86117、黔阿3号等,感蚜的品种有偃师9 号、肯贵阿、郑州891、温2540等
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本刊讯 近日 ,北京市疾病预防控制中心成立了社会医学与卫生经济学研究中心。据悉 ,这是我国公共卫生机构中第一家卫生政策与管理研究机构。该机构的主要职责是进行卫生管理
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20 0 4年4月2 1~2 2日,中国制冷学会第六次全国会员代表大会及六届一次常务理事会议在北京中苑宾馆举行。来自全国2 6个省、市、自治区共12 5名代表出席了此会。中国科协副主
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