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  美剧《欲望都市 2》(Sex and the City 2)里面的Miranda在参加朋友婚礼、聚餐的时候都在通过手机发电邮,跟老板沟通工作上的事情。这样的场景估计很多人都经历过吧。明明是美好的周末或假期,却要不断处理跟工作有关的事务,绝对就是工作日被无限延长的表现,也是公私不分的状况,这种情况叫作拖拉工作日(workweek creep)。公私不分或拖拉工作日有两种意思:其一,表示随时随地通过智能手机和电脑与别人联系导致工作和私人生活的界限完全被打乱;其二,表示工作的时候通过电邮和网聊与别人联络,导致上班时间不停被打断,无法有整块的时间专心思考,结果只能晚上或周末在家加班赶工作。这种情况在网络盛行的今天非常普遍,我们来看看Samantha有什么好的解决办法。
  Workweek Creep
  Jimmy: I don’t know about you, but I’m starting to feel the workweek creep.
  Samantha: What’s that? A new dance we can do around the office to stretch out, to break up all those lengthy periods of sitting, cooped up in our little cubicle cages all day long? You know, I heard somewhere that sitting is the new smoking!
  Jimmy: No, the workweek creep is not a dance, like the Monster Mash or the Macarena; it’s a new term that refers to being interrupted by constant messages and emails while at work, making it practically impossible to get any actual work done.
  Samantha: Oh, I hate that. And have you noticed that the longer your social network friend list gets, the more distractions seem to pop up, stopping whatever progress you might have been making on a given assignment?
  Jimmy: Yeah, that’s not a 1)coincidence. And then everyone, including the sender, the recipient and all those in close proximity, ends up getting less work done as a result.
  Samantha: I was wondering why my projects were always a step behind, and why I always find myself working 2)feverishly after work, in what should be the comfort of my own home.

  Jimmy: That reminds me, there is another form of the workweek creep, in which bosses and colleagues send you one email after another, even on weekends and National Holidays.
  Samantha: ①I think that has to be one of my biggest pet peeves. ②It drives me nuts when anyone with power tries to wield his or her weapons of authority during off-work hours. I mean, is there no such thing as leisure time any more?
  Jimmy: I know. It’s getting to the point where the line between our work lives and personal lives is getting more and more 3)blurred, thanks in part to this electronic revolution.
  Samantha: I don’t blame digital communication. I blame us, the users, for allowing it to go on like this. If we wanted to put a stop to it, we could always just mute our devices or ignore those emails. But do we? No. Why not? I’ll tell you why not: because we, as a society, have become addicted to the 4)almighty“status update”. We don’t wanna know what happened anymore. Now, we only wanna know what’s happening, at this very moment, and how people feel about the most recent events. Everything else is 5)moot at this point. If it happened a few minutes ago, eh, that’s old news…

  Jimmy: ③That’s a pretty grim view, but I think you hit the nail right on the head. So are you gonna start the revolution by ignoring our boss’s latest assignment?
  Samantha: Nah! I’ll just shut off my phone so I can focus on the task at hand.
  Jimmy: Baby steps! I like it.
  Smart Sentences
  ① I think that has to be one of my biggest pet peeves.
  pet peeve: sth. that really annoys sb.(很烦人的事)。例如:
  My sister has countless pet peeves, the biggest of which is people smoking in restaurants.
  ② It drives me nuts when anyone with power tries to wield his or her weapons of authority during off-work hours.
  drive sb. nuts: make sb. go crazy(让某人发疯)。例如:
  Mother’s nagging about the leaking faucet drove my father nuts.老妈不停地唠叨水龙头漏水的事,老爸都快疯了。

  ③ That’s a pretty grim view, but I think you hit the nail right on the head.
  hit the nail on the head: be exactly right about sth. (在某件事情上完全正确)。例如:
  Doug hit the nail on the head when he said Jack was a hypocrite with elegant speech but little action.

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